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Verdi's Operas

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:34 pm
by Peter
This week I continued my immersion in Verdi's Rigoletto. I have been at it for several weeks now and it is quite fun indeed. I "tried on" several versions of the opera (including Solti and Kubelik's renditions), but I cannot help it. I am enchanted by Serafin's recording with Callas/Gobi/Monaco. It simply is entrenched in my backbone as I tackle the other voicescapes. The others versions are very good, but in my mind Callas is supreme.

I took the opportunity to watch a DVD rendition which was very, very good. Gavanelli as Rigoletto was excellent, Schafer did a very fine job as Gilda and Alvarez was mediocre as the count. Regardless, this was a very enjoyable experience. I watched it once on my own and then I talked my wife into it (she is slowly being indoctrinated by me to partake in my opera journey - he he he). Anyways, highly recommended in case you have not seen this version. ... o+schaefer
11 GBP at ... o+schaefer
Image Image

Enchanting!! Amazing! Divine! Glorious!

Re: Verdi's Operas

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:42 pm
by Peter
I figured that in the absence of lots of money and a nearby opera house that I needed an alternate way to experience the performances of these operas. I am currently immersing myself in the recent Verdi set from opus Arte (which contains the excellent Rigoletto performance I mentioned in the previous post). I am hoping that the other performances are as high in quality. It comes across as a great introduction to Verdi's works. I guess I am celebrating him in 2014 rather than 2013.... More Chianti please!! ... rdi+operas


Re: Verdi's Operas

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:50 pm
by Peter
I would love to hear more about different Verdi operas recorded for DVD/Bluray format that you all could recommend. I am personally very traditional when it comes to operas and do not like the "modern" changes on the stage that are becoming a bit too popular in Europe. However, if I recall correctly, the Met's latest Rigoletto was set in 1960s Las Vegas!!!! Give me a break! Yikes! I don't care how well they perform as singers as I couldn't take the staging without becoming a bit nauseous. How do you feel about these "modern" stagings? I really do not see the point at all.

Any recommendations on "traditional" and fabulous performances of Verdi's operas on DVD/bluray?


Re: Verdi's Operas

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:23 am
by Jose Echenique

There are tons on Verdi operas on DVD and Blu Ray, but not many do justice to Verdi. Don Carlos has been lucky, The glorious Chatelet production conducted by Tony Pappano has a great cast and a decent production, and so does the Royal Opera House also conducted by Pappano, the difference and it´s an important one, is that the first is sung in the original French -as it should be- and the second in the more popular Italian translation.

As for Rigoletto, my own favorite, because it´s the best sung on video, is the one with Zeljko Lucik, Diana Damrau and Juan Diego Florez, it also helps that the orchestra is the Staatskapelle Dresden:


Aida does have a sumptuous MET production with maybe the last truly great Aida the World has heard: Aprile Millo, there´s no one like her today. Unfortunately Placido Domingo was caught on a bad day, but the Amneris is also tremendous (Dolora Zajic).


And Otello has also been lucky on video, besides the various and thrilling Domingo performances, there is a quite unique 1970´s video with 2 truly great singers: Jon Vickers and Renata Scotto. Vickers was not a great actor for video, but his singing is breathtaking, and Scotto´s Desdemona is a thing to treasure.


Re: Verdi's Operas

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:39 pm
by fergus
Peter wrote:I would love to hear more about different Verdi operas recorded for DVD/Bluray format that you all could recommend. I am personally very traditional when it comes to operas and do not like the "modern" changes on the stage that are becoming a bit too popular in Europe. However, if I recall correctly, the Met's latest Rigoletto was set in 1960s Las Vegas!!!! Give me a break! Yikes! I don't care how well they perform as singers as I couldn't take the staging without becoming a bit nauseous. How do you feel about these "modern" stagings? I really do not see the point at all.

I 100% agree with you on this point Peter!

Re: Verdi's Operas

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:15 am
by Peter
Jose! Thanks for all those great suggestions!!!!! My credit card is getting worn out....... But it is Verdi after all!