preamps revisited

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preamps revisited

Post by MooseTrackz »

I'm looking at replacing my preamp (again) but this time I'm thinking of a valve preamp and the ss power amp for wellie.
I came across this: EAR 864 Valve Pre-amplifier with Phono (MM/MC) over on hifiwigwam and was wondering (as the whole valve routine is new to me and somewhat daunting) what the general opinion is on it?

Any and all opinions/suggestions/etc would be appreciated.
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Re: preamps revisited

Post by Fran »

Tell us abut the rest of your setup?
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Re: preamps revisited

Post by HiFiFan »

I have never been a valve person so can’t help you in that area though I can see where you are going with the valve pre/SS power combo. I prefer a preamp to sound as transparent as possible and I believe that most decent modern SS ones do. If you want to color your system you can always do it later via cable selection. From my recent experiences I could recommend (more or less in order)

Sanders (Includes phono stage) ( ... eamplifier)
Wyred4Sound ( ... 839/364714)
Hegel (
SonicTransporter Optical i9, Roon, opticalRendu, Sonore Signare LPSU, Chord DAVE, Merrill Audio Element 116 Monoblocs, Wilson Audio Sasha 2
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Re: preamps revisited

Post by MooseTrackz »

Fran wrote:Tell us abut the rest of your setup?
hmmmm............... I've a lovely Classe power amp (thanks Tony)!
a cd player that keeps on giving
a tape deck once again(thanks Nigel)
a rega TT (thanks Keith)
a lovely pair of golden ear tritons that make my heart glad, my ears happy and really annoy the cows in the field next door
and occasionally i stream tunes from my computer through the dlan to the current preamp which is on its last legs (big sad face) and is starting to hum and drop out on the left channel but it is of an age (mid seventies-ish)
any help this?
I don't recognise many of the "this side of the pond" brands having spent most of my audio years in the new world and as such look to the experience of others for inspiration and help in choosing something that will last and put that big smile back on my face.

thanking ye!
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Re: preamps revisited

Post by Marcus »

HiFiFan wrote: I prefer a preamp to sound as transparent as possible
I'd agree with HiFiFan, I'm a bit of a detail freak. I've already bought what I think will be my last pre-amp - a passive from Music First -the Classic V2. Yes, the pot is effectively a series of switches which are a bit clunky to operate, no, there isn't a remote (and there again, no power supply!). I forgot all those things when I first listened to it - or rather, didn't listen to it. I can recommend both the product and the company for service, help and information.
If you're ever down Cork way, give me a shout in advance and I'd be happy to let you have a listen against the pre in my CDP.

Good luck with the search, let us know how you get on!

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Re: preamps revisited

Post by Diapason »

I can't offer much advice, except to say that I bought a preamp recently that was incredibly well-reviewed, should have been perfect for my system and that I was assured was the one for me. I didn't like what it did to the sound and sold it a few weeks later.

I will never again buy a component without hearing it in my own system first, unless I'm 100% sure I can sell it on without loss. It's just a waste of time, IME.

However, I love me a bit of hot valve action, so I'll always encourage that. And don't get the idea that valves=soft, rolled-off sound. It ain't necessarily so.
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Re: preamps revisited

Post by Claus »

I was looking at EAR as well but needed fully balanced so took a chance on Ayre K-5xe (solid state) from a german seller. It was a great transaction. The amp sounds very nice and the build quality is excellent. I used to locate it. Other suggestions would be Pass Labs and Aesthetix (which would be high on my list if money was no object)… You are more than welcome to try out my Ayre any time...
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Re: preamps revisited

Post by MooseTrackz »

Claus wrote: You are more than welcome to try out my Ayre any time...
Thanks Claus I may well take you up on that.
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Re: preamps revisited

Post by Fran »

It might be easy enough to get your old pre fixed. Chances are it might just need new capacitors and cleaning of the switches...

If you're happy enough with the sound then it might be worth looking at.

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Re: preamps revisited

Post by MooseTrackz »

Fran wrote:It might be easy enough to get your old pre fixed. Chances are it might just need new capacitors and cleaning of the switches..

Yes it might but maybe its time for something new-ish

i've had my current pre since 1978 and was thinking it might be time for something new

I've kinda convinced myself (reluctantly) that i need to avail of the advances in technology that have occurred since the seventies. (ignoring digital music, pretty much, as I've found it wanting.......)
I spent a long time converting my albums to digital only to realize that the originals were a bazillion times better sounding than the digital equivalent IMNSHO (my ears, my thoughts and opinions)

So I've been researching and looking and working on the budget

I've now got a budget and kinda know what I want and a built in phono stage is a very big + in my books

so I'll keep you posted!

on the list to date is Leben RS28CX preamp, EAR 864 Valve Pre-amplifier with Phono

any and all suggestions will and are appreciated!
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