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Looking to audition Event Opals

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 4:05 pm
by sebna

I am looking at getting Event Opals for my minimalists hifi system and I am wondering if anyone of us have them already and if it would be possible to come and listen to them one day?


Re: Looking to

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 4:22 pm
by Diapason
Very popular on the 'wam, but you probably know this already. I'd love to hear them myself, but I don't know of anyone in Ireland with a pair. Wonder if any pro studios have them?

Re: Looking to

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:58 pm
by sebna
Hi Diapason,

The wam thread is certainty one of the reasons why I am looking at getting a pair, but other than that they just slot perfectly into my needs, at least from technical point of view. Hopefully someone have them in Ireland as it would potentially save me some hassle with sending them back and forth to UK or Germany in case technicalities don't measure up to my sound signature expectations.

Anyway after lengthy research I am pretty decided to try them out so this way or another there will be soon an opportunity to audition them in Ireland ;)
