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Groove Shark

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:26 pm
by tony

My 8yr old gave me this link. Maybe everyone knows it already but I never heard of it. Seems you can listen to mp3 quality music from virtually any artist for free. If you like you buy .Great way of trying out music to see if its worth getting.

Re: Groove Shark

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 9:27 pm
by DancingPriest
Even at the tender age of 24 I find anyone under the age of 20 to be scarily tech savvy, but eight! jsfc!
It's a great service but I have to recomend spotify to anyone with €10 per month. I just have a look at what ye're listening to or what ye got in the post and bing! I can hear it for myself at 320kbs. It's responsible for my discovery of Mahler, actually listening to Dvorak properly (screw you lyric!) and buying Blues and Roots on vinyl..... the list goes on....