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Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:41 am
by dorian
Hi, I'm dorian and I'm audiohoolic...
This is my first post. I readed some random posts here, look's like a serious hi-fi forum and hats off to members. First of all I will apologies for bad english language, is not native, I've landed to this beautiful island few weeks ago and my english teacher was John Wayne...
I love to enjoy good music but for logistic reasons I left my hi-fi gears on the continent, some of them I'll keep, some I'll try to trade, economic and social reasons are prioritaires, especially for somebody who are decided to quit the continent for a rainy, windy but beautiful island. I'm from Romania, I was here a few years ago, I worked here last autumn for romanian government till december and then I decided to come back for good. So I left all I have there and now I try to start from scratch. I love everything mean irish since I know so after 20 years in Bucharest (2 mil. peoples and 3 mil. cars) I want a more quietly and quality life. So, here I'm am, lookin' for any job in these lovely times...ha, ha.
But enough about me, the reason for beeing here is the same passion for music and for the serious hardware. Like many decent and sober peoples I know what mean to crawl on the carpet lookin' for the hot spot, spending hours trying to reveal difference betwen wires and coming at home devastated from a showroom after some listening sessions. Nothing new on the west front...
I salute all once again and I hope that you not have some strange initiatic ritual for innocent novices...

Re: Newbie

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 8:15 am
by Diapason
Welcome dorian, and congratulations on the brave move to Ireland!

Re: Newbie

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:16 am
by fergus
Welcome again dorian and I hope that you enjoy your time both in our country and on our forum. Please post as often as you can.

Re: Newbie

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:47 am
by Derek
Hi dorian, welcome to our little group, as an audioholic you'll fit right in

Re: Newbie

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:21 pm
by Ivor
dorian wrote: I've landed to this beautiful island few weeks ago and my english teacher was John Wayne.....
Welcome pilgrim. ;)

Re: Newbie

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:48 am
by dorian
Thank you everybody! See you around...

Re: Newbie

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:23 am
by jkeny
Welcome, Dorian & hope you find work & enjoyment in this country. I'm sure you will find entertainment & information on this forum which is a relatively sane & happy place to hang-out.

Re: Newbie

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:30 pm
by Seán
Hello Dorian, welcome to Ireland and to Tír Na HiFi.

Re: Newbie

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 5:59 pm
by giant haystacks
welcome very much dorian
is there much of an intrest in listening to music in romania would there have been many record shops or maybe a big intrest taping audio cassettes.
my wife is from lithuania and she bought lots of records-kim wilde-bros-t,pau -bonnie tyler-
scarey listening now
a very big welcome and hopefully we get a good summer to cheer you up

Re: Newbie

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:27 am
by dorian
Hi guys, a warm welcome indeed and I appreciate. In Romania is a strong hi-end community and almost all serious brands reprezentatives from USA, UK or Europe are there (Ironically, before leaving the country, one of the friends, dealer, (Pass Labs, ProAc, Focal, Naim, Mark Levinson, Simaudio, Sonus F., Sugden etc etc) offer me the a job as sales manager and client service but was too late, I have other reasons for coming here, not really economic reasons). The apetite in Romania for good music is huge as well. Personally the irish music put a spell on me from chilhood and I belive this was one of the reasons for beeing here. I was in many pubs especially during my work here last fall (now pretty rare, austerity budget, no job :)) and everytime I was hipnotysed by the quality of the show. I admire the giantesque nativity and musical performing skills of irish people.
On the other hand I will miss the experiments in showroom trying new components or to find the best match with a glass of the old friend j. walker in hands...:(