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Audition Tips

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:14 pm
by meep
Thinking of upgrading my speakers this year and wanted to elicit some thoughts on best places to audition my shortlist (still in a state of flux, but never mind).

I'll start off by saying I'm a cinema kind of guy so it's 7.1 for me but that should not have much impact on the question.

I was somewhat enamoured with the rave reviews on the GoldenEars Triton 2s but on checking with Cloneys, they don't have them on demo any more. Having a B&W setup at present, I'm inclined towards the B&W CM series and can audition these at Cloneys so all good there.

I'm also interested in the KEF R series (told you I was more movies than music!) and wondered if anyone knows of a good place to hear these? I found and they seem to stock the whole KEF range. Having never dealt with them before, I would appreciate any experiences there or any insights into anywhere else that might afford an opportunity to listen to these?

Thanks in advance


Re: Audition Tips

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 4:32 pm
by tony
Nobody has replied on this Peter and sorry I have no idea on this stuff. The TLS guys are stocking dynaudio speakers and they might be worth a try. They mentioned something about wireless speakers I think in that range.

Re: Audition Tips

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:53 pm
by meep
No worries Tony

Was please with rapid response to my enquiry from HiFiHut. They don't have any of the Kef R range in stock for demo but are enquiring from the manufacturer as to whether a set might be made available.

Hopefully I'll get to hear B&W CM8, CM9 & KEF R based systems over the coming weeks.

I realised this weekend how much I don't belong on this forum - I put my a/v receiver into surround/7d mode for music and found I much preferred it to stereo. Oh dear!


Re: Audition Tips

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:02 pm
by Diapason
meep wrote: I realised this weekend how much I don't belong on this forum - I put my a/v receiver into surround/7d mode for music and found I much preferred it to stereo. Oh dear!
I dunno, that's the kind of blue-sky thinking we need around here. I like the cut of your jib!

Can't help on the demoing options. Basically if Cloney Audio don't have it, I never hear it!