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Metallica- master of puppets....

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 4:26 pm
by jaybee
now that the main rig is operational once more, although relegated to the shomera for now.... all of the tracks that have "shuffled" through the playlist in recent times and have been noted as worthyoif a spin of the whole album are being rolled out...

Holy Crap.... my original 1986 cd sounds merde....

lower registers and miss aren't so bad, but the vocals are thin and reedy... and massively reversed into the soundstage...

so, has anyone any experience of the DCC remastered version... is it "death magnetic" or "how it should have sounded on the original master tape"?

am gutted....

ps this is a fantastic quote from the sleeve....

"the music on this cd was originally recorded on analog equipment. We have attempted to preserve, as closely as possible, the sound of the original recording. Because of its high resolution, however, the compact disc can reveal limitations of the source tape..."

Re: Metallica- master of puppets....

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:18 pm
by bod ... st-8289957

This may be of help. I`m not familiar at all with MOP on cd. I could do you a copy from the MFN double 45rpm from 1986 which you may like. My go to copy of the 4 or 5 different vinyl versions I have of this recording.

Re: Metallica- master of puppets....

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:38 pm
by jaybee
that'd be brilliant BOD, once I saw the prices of thee DCC remasters I nearly choked!!

The coming year is seeing a tt in my rig...

once that happens ill be revisiting a lot of albums of this vintage...!!!

Re: Metallica- master of puppets....

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 6:16 pm
by bod
Hi Jaybee. Sorry for the delay. I hope to get that cd done for you this week. I`ll pm you when I`ve done it. Cheers. Dave.

Re: Metallica- master of puppets....

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 10:42 pm
by jaybee

Re: Metallica- master of puppets....

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:52 am
by bod
Fix Hum Problem - Check
Clean Metallica Lp`s Again - Check
De-Mag Cartridge - Check
Level Seismic Sink - Check
Set Recording Level - Check
Cue Side 1 of 4 - Check
Needle in the Groove - Check
Press Record - Check
Rocking - Check
Posting on forum - Check

(Who said recording from vinyl was hassle? It`s great fun!!!)