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Airtight Website

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:21 pm
by Ciaran
All of us Airtight fans will be pleased to see that there is now an official Airtight website to display the works of Mr Miura.


And set off another bout of upgradeitis: those amps look so great!

Re: Airtight Website

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:54 pm
by DaveF
I've always been impressed by the Airtight sound but to be honest I'm not gone on the look of the amp above. I prefer the naked look of the other ones such as the ATM2 etc. Not that I'd turn one down of course. :-)

Re: Airtight Website

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:55 pm
by Adrian
Indeed I do like to see the transformers and valves / capacitors etc. The glow of the valves adds a bit of "mystic" to the room in the dark. Unfortunately it is very hard to justify "upgradeitis" in these recessionary times. Even though there are several items I have my eye on. Hopefully the doom and gloom will start to lift after the summer. We need a bit of good news.

Re: Airtight Website

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:58 pm
by Frankie Lee
God those look yummy. I'm not fussy though, I'll take any of them. What sort of prices are we talking here?

Re: Airtight Website

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:39 pm
by Ivor
Frankie Lee wrote: What sort of prices are we talking here?
Serious money but worth every penny if you can take the leap.

Re: Airtight Website

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:22 am
by Ciaran
DaveF wrote:I've always been impressed by the Airtight sound but to be honest I'm not gone on the look of the amp above. I prefer the naked look of the other ones such as the ATM2 etc. Not that I'd turn one down of course. :-)
As far as tasty valve appearance goes, I think the Jadis monoblocs are hard to beat


with the possible exception of the great big bright blue capacitors. But I have been won around to the more understated aesthetic of the ATM 3s.


Re: Airtight Website

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:01 pm
by Adrian
Thanks for the link Ciaran, great images as well. I always thought it a bit peculiar how the power cable was fitted to the Jadis Monoblocks. But that is the French way of doing things at times, they can be a bit quirkey!

The airtights are still very alluring though. Another valve amplifier I have admired is the Unison Research S8. Anybody own one of these? Never hear much about them on the forum site. Yet I asked Noel Cloney some years ago and he said he has sold several of them in the past.


Re: Airtight Website

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 12:08 pm
by Fran
There's someone here who has some unison amps - can't recall just now who it is.

The airtight amps sound just the way they look. Controlled, precise, unflappable beautifully engineered - they seldom put a foot wrong. Valves done right in other words.

I'd love to hear the phonostage they did.


Re: Airtight Website

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:41 pm
by Ken Moreland
I have the Unison Research S2K which uses KT88 and 12AU7 valves (2 of each) , you're welcome to come and have a listen.