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Greetings from New York

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:43 pm
by Diapason
Well, I'm stranded here for another week or so. We were meant to fly home last night but that was cancelled, Continental have kindly booked us on another flight in 10 days time. Yes, 10 days. We've also booked an Aer Lingus one-way flight for the 27th as a banker, so one or other should get us home.

There are worse places to be stranded than New York, but I'm starting to run out of the obvious things to do. Where can I go and listen to some seriously ridiculously high-end hifi???

Re: Greetings from New York

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:02 pm
by Ciaran
What about Sound by Singer, (18 East 16th St New York, NY 10003)?

I've never crossed the Atlantic myself, but S by S have lots of nice toys, according to their website!

Re: Greetings from New York

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:21 pm
by Ivor
Diapason wrote: There are worse places to be stranded than New York, but I'm starting to run out of the obvious things to do. Where can I go and listen to some seriously ridiculously high-end hifi???
Sounds by Singer at 18 East 16th Street is a MUST! keep at least a half day free for that one.

Park Avenue Audio isn't as high-end as they like to think and can veer between rude a quite thick. If you're near there drop in but don't go out of your way. Amusing if you're not really buying.

There was a small but charming (and very friendly) shop on E. 4th St., Greenwich Village run by a large black man called, if I remember correctly, Gregory Fitzpatrick. He was only starting up then (a couple of years ago) but he specialised in valve equipment and "British" equipment. It was a couple of doors down from the very pretentious "Other Music" CD shop.

I'm sure there's more... I'll have to have a big think.

Re: Greetings from New York

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:59 pm
by DancingPriest
Take thy to the nearest Hertz agency, acquire a Ford Mustang convertible. If any further instructions are required, ask yourself "What would my 10 year old self do?"
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