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Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:29 am
by StoneAgeMan
Hi to all. Looking to buy an interconnect to link my Copland CD with my Primare integrated. Does anyone have any suggestions? Has anyone tried JPS cables?

Re: Interconnects

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:44 pm
by mick
AndyS on the forum has great value cables with excellent sound quality. You could send him a pm. He won't lead you astray.

Re: Interconnects

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:02 pm
by StoneAgeMan
Thanks, I have a pair of his interconnects but am looking to take the next step.

Re: Interconnects

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:06 pm
by Diapason
I have JPS Aluminata balanced interconnects at home on loan at the moment. I haven't had the opportunity to do any serious A-B listening, but (in my system at least) I haven't noticed any huge change over the VdH balanced I had been using. It surprised me a bit because the Aluminata gets such rave reviews, but there it is. I'll try to do a more serious listen before I give them back.

I had been intending to get my K-S Fascinations reterminated to XLR at some stage, but now I don't really know whether to bother. I was convinced the VdH interconnect was no good, but maybe there's just not that much in it when it comes to the balanced world.

In any case, if you're looking at JPS level pricing, I'd try the usual Nordost suspects and I'd give Kubala Sosna a spin too before making a final decision.

Re: Interconnects

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:45 pm
by Gerry D
Hope you don't mind the intrusion.
I have no opinion on a particular cable to offer other than that I strongly believe that cables do affect sound.
As evidenced by swapping the ordinary, generic, cheapo cables that come with 1st rung hi fi for anything better.t's in the ear of the beholder. So to speak.
I have witnessed the 'tone control' effect that some cables lend to sonics. e.g. the Van den Hul First Ultimate is warmer than the neutrality inherent in Nordost cables generally.
It's in the ear of the beholder. So to speak.

The old chestnut "buy the best that you can afford" isn't necessarily applicable here. IMHO.

Re: Interconnects

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:05 pm
by mick
I have a pair of Andy's top of the range silver interconnect. I have compared them to my set of Nordost SPM and prefered Andy's for what it's worth.