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Lyric FM Concert on Monday 14th May

Posted: Sun May 13, 2012 2:15 pm
by fergus
I just might tune in to the Lyric FM concert tomorrow night to listen to the Beethoven Violin Concerto...

Monday May 14th
United States: Saint Paul in Minnesota
Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra with director/soloist Thomas Zehetmair
Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D
Krenek: Symphonic Elegy Op.105
Webern: Symphony Op.21
Schubert: Symphony No.8 'Unfinished'

Zehetmair is a very fine soloist and I have him performing this concerto under the baton of Frans Bruggen. However as Zehetmair is also the director of the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra it might be interesting to see how he does “on his own” so to speak.

Re: Lyric FM Concert on Monday 14th May

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 1:55 pm
by Seán
Hi Fergus, I thought that you might be tempted to listen to this: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1515
Monday 14th May 2012 - Live from Merton College Chapel, Oxford
Presented by Catherine Bott

Tune thy Musicke to thy Hart - Music of domestic devotion from Henry VIII to James I

BROWNE: Jesu, mercy
CAUSTON: It is a thing both good and meet
MORLEY (ATTRIB.): Nolo mortem peccatoris
SHEPPARD: The Lord�s prayer
BYRD: Domine praestolamur; Why do I use my paper ink and pen; Exsurge Domine
RAMSEY: How are the mighty fallen
TOMKINS: When David heard
MILTON: O had I wings like to a dove
PEERSON: O let me at thy footstool fall
DOWLAND: I shame at my unworthiness
CROCE: From profound centre of my heart
CAMPION: Never weather beat�n sail
AMNER: A stranger here
BYRD: Retire my soul
THOMAS TOMKINS: O Praise the Lord

Stile Antico

Re: Lyric FM Concert on Monday 14th May

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 7:47 pm
by fergus
Cheers Seán.

Re: Lyric FM Concert on Monday 14th May

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 9:31 pm
by fergus
Zehetmair did an excellent job I think with this work.