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Modified Music Angel Chinese valve pre-amp...

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:43 pm
by Dowser
Modified Music Angel Chinese valve pre-amplifier.

Bought this off eBay from China to test a valve pre against my modified Naim NAC a few years back. In stock form it was OK, but I then did the following mods;

- Replaced volume pot (a Noble is now fitted - pretty rare nowadays)
- Replaced input selector (I also added an extra line input, it has 4 now)
- Reverted to AC heater supplies
- Full rewire using star-point earthing strategy
- Replaced stock chinese valves with JJ items (2 ecc81s, 2 ecc802s)

This made a huge difference, and caused me to move away from silicon to valves for pre-amp duty. It is not as dynamic as the modified Naim I also have for sale, but has an organic quality and fantastic imaging the Naim can only dream of!

Up for sale now, as I managed to find an old Croft Micro II, so bought that rather than further modding of this.

As is typical of me, the front panel is not finished - I shaved down the original text (it was branded "Music Angle" ;-)), intended to sand and oil the wood. Never got around to it!

€210. I have box and packing, so can be shipped at cost.






Thanks, Richard

Re: Modified Music Angel Chinese valve pre-amp...

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:30 pm
by Dowser
Any offers - I need to slim down my collection of hi fi!

Thanks, Richard