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Debussy again

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:43 pm
by Diapason
Matt pointed out a soon-to-be-released box set of Debussy in the "Recent purchases" thread, and wouldn't you know it, MDT emailed me this evening with a list of special offer box sets and its chock full of Debussy: ... 790333.htm ... 783690.htm ... 790056.htm ... 955-56.htm

The second-last one above would seem to be the DG equivalent of Matt's box, with more recent recordings and a higher price (although still definitely good value!)

The first and last sets above also interest me. Despite some misgivings about my Boulez recording of La Mer it might be an interesting set for the money. A brief listen to some samples of the Ogawa recordings on amazon makes me think that I'd like that set very much, and if it's recorded in the usually excellent BIS sound, that makes it even more compelling.

Remind me, did I say something about not buying any more CDs until the end of March...??

Re: Debussy again

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:52 pm
by bombasticDarren
Simon, I really like Boulez's DG recordings of Debussy and Ravel. I think I agree with you, in that the La Mer is the most disappointing recording you're likely to find on that set. I still think it's worth repeated listenings, but the rest of the set surpasses it.

The Ogawa set appeals to me too, but I will have to dream about getting that one for a little while i think... ;-)

Re: Debussy again

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:34 am
by ravel30
I found more details about the content of the box set that I was talking about ... Collection

For the piano pieces, I now don't think that Casadesus's recording are that important in the set. I think that it is more Crossley, Horowitz and so on. The Casadesus are playing the four hand piano pieces though.

Here is another box set featuring the complete piano music of Debussy played by Paul Crossley. That looks very interesting and I was kinda hoping that most of it could be found in the 19cd box set that I was previously talking about.

I did not know about the other box set that you mentioned. I may have to make some important decision :).


Re: Debussy again

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 12:06 am
by ravel30
I found a more detailed listen of the content of the SONY CLASSICAL box set that I was talking about ... ction.html

Looks very interesting to me.


Re: Debussy again

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:26 am
by Diapason
It does indeed, and thanks for the reminder about zweitausendeins. I haven't ordered from there in ages, but it used to be a great place to pick up bargains.