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Leak Troughline 3 on Adverts E50

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:31 am
by Naimaste
Leak Troughline 3 on Adverts

I have no relationship to the seller but I know these tuners may be of interest to some here ... er/1393204

Re: Leak Troughline 3 on Adverts E50

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 12:23 pm
by Andy S
I bought one of these when I lived in London around 20 years ago and had it refurbished by Graham Tricker
of GT Audio, it produced the most amazing sound when used with my External FM aerial.

When I moved to Ireland in 1999 it wouldn't work well on the NTL aerial available in my apartment so was
left under the bed in storage for a good few years.

I put it up for auction on Ebay and it sold for over £400.00! B.T.W. the refurbishment cost me £300.00 so
I got my money back on it. These need a very good outdoor aerial to work well so be warned in anyone is
interested in this unit!

Re: Leak Troughline 3 on Adverts E50

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:52 pm
by Fran
Well, this ones not working..... so repair might not be cheap unless you can do it yourself.
