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Isoclean fuses

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 11:30 pm
by Fran
So how are we getting on with the fuses from Andy's group buy?

Mine are still sitting in an envelope on the desk.... I've been waiting to put them in cos theres been a rake of changes in my system of late. I've been making incremental improvements to my preamp and I didn't want to add yet another variable into that mix.

I'm very interested in seeing how people got on, so I think I'll post a poll here. Its simple, it will either be a yes/no/dunno answer, but you can post in the thread exactly what you did or didn't hear. The poll runs for 21 days from now......


Re: Isoclean fuses

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:14 am
by Ivor
I wish I had your foresight Fran! I popped mine at the same time as I put in one of Andy's mains cables (so two changes to the mains alone) and then changed the tubes in my CD player. Given that Christmas was a quiet time and we were housebound for much of it I also swapped two tubes in the amp but that didn't last long). Oh yeah... and a completely new rack. Ho um.

I did noticed a sharper sound (neither better or worse) and some lyrics became clearer but I've also noticed an edginess that is hard to assign to any one change. I'm giving the system a month to sort itself out or it'll get a stern talking to. Hopefully by then any mains alteration will have burned in and the tubes bedded in.
In answer to the question I'd have to say small but that's ok.

Re: Isoclean fuses

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:55 pm
by tony
Put all mine in a couple of days after collecting them. Within a week I had changed my amp to a cyrus 8xp and this allowed me use the psx-r which was idle previously. To compound all that I got an old pair of avi positrons off ebay just before xmas. I was also listening to my system in a boxroom.
I have since taken the plunge and the risk, and moved to the sitting room and at this stage I think I would need to remove all items from the system and start gradually again. A bit like Ivor too many changes to give any definite opinion. I am also too lazy to take them all back out.

Re: Isoclean fuses

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 8:57 pm
by JFK
Hi , Replaced all mine just after Christmas , Noticed the sound was a bit sharper at first but overall an improvement , Pic Quality Via Sky HD is Glorious , Standard TV is very very clear .. I was thinking of replacing the Powercord on the TV - Has anyone tried it ? Got one for the HD box from Andy and thats working a treat ..

Re: Isoclean fuses

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:17 pm
by tony
Forgot about the one I put in the tv. I did notice a sharper picture but again at the same time I introduced a tacima cs929(i think) cheapo mains conditioner so would be unclear if fuse alone would deliver improvement. I think following on from the thoughts on the old forum a combination of changes with all these items will bring improvements sometimes small/not noticeable. I did notice when I put the mains conditioner on my hifi prior to amp change a big leap. It cleaned up the sound.
I will be trying some of Andy's cables later in the year when funds allow and am hoping that they will make a big difference.

Re: Isoclean fuses

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 11:54 am
by b318isp
I know Matt waxed lyrically about the improvements, but for the improvements were minor, noticeable, but minor. I noticed a touch more transparancy and a very slight reduction in harshness. Contrary to others, I didn't notice any difference in the TV's picture. Given the price though, these are a no brainer.

I'd actually be up for another 2 - Andy, are you there?

Re: Isoclean fuses

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 1:36 am
by Adrian
Yes indeed I was wondering how things were going to turn out.

Matt did mention in a post on the old forum that the greatest improvment he noticed was on the power side of the amplifier, and not internally or on the inputs to his speakers. I found this to be puzzling, as if there was a improvement to be found I thought it would be on the interanl circutry. Life is so bizzare!!

I still have my opinions and I am sticking to my guns on this issue. But I am curious...

Nevertheless the fuses while very expensive are of little cost in the overall Hi Fi upgraditis scheme of things.


Re: Isoclean fuses

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:08 am
by Andy S
Hi b318isp

Yes, I am here and as I have now sold out I was thinking of placing another order with Isoclean very soon
so if anyone is up for a few more fuses let me know.



Re: Isoclean fuses

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 7:35 pm
by Matt
Glad to see everybody noticing improvements with the fuses installed.
I think improvements are far greater if you have uprated power cords before hand. I replaced all my power cords with Dalkey audio ones before i changed any fuses.
And i replaced all the Ac fuses before i went near the Dc fuses inside the amp so figure most the improvements to the system were made at that stage so it was more subtle when i did change the Dc fuses.

Re: Isoclean fuses

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:21 pm
by Andy S
If anybody is interested, I should have some more Isoclean 13A Audio Fuses this week.

I am selling these on ebay for €22.00, however I can offer them to forum members for €15.00 each. I can't do them for €13.00 like last time as the price went up $1.00 in 2010 and the exchange rate is not as favourable as it was when I bought the last lot.

