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Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:32 pm
by tony
Tried zuma to zuma today and boy was it frustrating. Thank god it was a hazy lazy bank holiday sunday with no pressure on time. Unfortunately Pearse's zuma had ethernet ip issues relating to stopped services. It took nearly 2hrs to get music streaming to zuma's. Just got nothing positive from it as the meitner with the two zuma's all seemed very etched(Pearse's words). Too bright and in your face is how I would describe it.The meitner has been used before in my system and sounded great but whatever was wrong today be it cables meitner driver, zuma it didn't work.

No discernible positive difference could be detected except to say the laptop was probably a bit more pleasant to listen to.

At the end we switched back to the ciunas zuma/WTG Usb streaming from laptop using direct connectors and that seemed the best combination.

It was a bit disappointing as both zuma's were linear powered so on paper it all should have worked well and produced better results.
This needs to be revisited at some point to figure out what the issue is.

Sorry should have pointed out we used Pearse's zuma running windows 8 pro on ssd as the music pc during the test. Wonder now was that a mistake.

Pearse has gone home with a copy of the track that sounded very bright and harsh to see if it will sound that way when played on his system.

To cap it all off Ken's adnaco wouldn't fit in the zuma case.Flexible riser needed so didn't get to compare that either.

C'est La Vie. It certainly brought home the need to carefully audition something over a period of time as a bad experience on the day could put you off a product when it is some other issue causing the problem.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:00 am
by nige2000
jkeny wrote:Yes, if we can get it working via WTG stick it would be great - an easy switch over between OSes.
im still working on this proving a little tricky but im making a bit of progress even though my spare time is getting scarce, i useded frans method to install to usb3 and ive copies on vmware virtual image and on ssd for practice as im not at all familiar with core server (learning by error). i have good hope for this as it seems more workable than jd wtg.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:47 am
by Fran
Any news on this? I see some progress over on jplay re: core server.....

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:41 am
by nige2000
I have std server running with GUI in single mode it sounds good and i can lower us a bit more my Ethernet seems to work fine without alterations I haven't tried streaming or listened to my win 8 in a while so I can't really make comparisons my hunch is that it's an improvement
I have yet to try core server as an audio PC for streaming, it really wouldn't suit single pc operation and I have been unsuccessful so far in getting jplay settings to show up when I install it in core server, but I'll use the workaround of installing the server GUI and install everything then uninstall the GUI

To install server gui in the command line of applying imagex to drive replace digit 1 with 2 and that installs the GUI ( took me a while to figure that out)

Time is scarce ATM otherwise I'd have more done on this.
Server with GUI seems to be just as manageable as win 8
Core server needs to install total commander to make more user friendly

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:16 pm
by Sligolad
I have been running core server 2012 with Audiophil's optimisation script and without GUI on the Zuma in streaming mode for the past couple of days, I "believe" it sounds better than the win 8 configuration highly optimised with CAD Script (both on SSD dual boot).
What is even better is that I can now run native bitrate in JPlay without constantly getting music breaking in to white noise so there is definitely an improvement in network handling and a reduction in the OS load on the Zuma.
I will be sticking with this for the foreseeable future, again as with the Win 8 setup on the Zuma I have no peripherals connected and no screen, just hit power button to start and hit it again twice to shut down.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 6:22 pm
by nige2000
Sligolad wrote:I have been running core server 2012 with Audiophil's optimisation script and without GUI on the Zuma in streaming mode for the past couple of days, I "believe" it sounds better than the win 8 configuration highly optimised with CAD Script (both on SSD dual boot).
What is even better is that I can now run native bitrate in JPlay without constantly getting music breaking in to white noise so there is definitely an improvement in network handling and a reduction in the OS load on the Zuma.
I will be sticking with this for the foreseeable future, again as with the Win 8 setup on the Zuma I have no peripherals connected and no screen, just hit power button to start and hit it again twice to shut down.
similar results to the guys on jplay fourm, Pearse
i have a weird issue with my usb3 on core server as soon as i remove the gui i lose my usb3 ports
Did you come across that?

bty: streaming to core server with wtg in usb2 port, dac in usb2 and sounds pretty damn good
id like to get it on usb3 though.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:14 pm
by Gerry D
Is this page number 100 on this thread ? Not very PC am I ?

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:15 pm
by Gerry D
Feck ! It isn't.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:26 pm
by nige2000
Gerry D wrote:Feck ! It isn't.
soon really really soon!!!!
a lot of hair lost over these pages

right all usb 3 driver issues ironed out and were flat out running:
core server wtg in usb3, tri-linear supply, underclocked streaming via ethernet cable
no doubt about it best its ever sounded

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:40 pm
by tony
Your not done yet where is the abc for computer dullards?? I have taken the first steps (downloaded core server and am trying to collact the various instructions spread around the jplay and computeraudiophile forum's)