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Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 8:53 pm
by nige2000
I guess it works by cleaning up the PS ripple (dirt) on the PCI buss. This is the self-generated noise from the motherboards own switched mode regulators & all the chip gates firing - all of which can backflush crud (EMI, RFI, PS ripple) onto the motherboards many PS rails (3.3V, 5V, 1.2V, 1.8V?). This crud gets generated internally & so it's immaterial how clean an external PS you supply to the motherboard
i understand what you mean and it makes sense that the motherboard will EMI, RFI, PS ripple the rail supplies but how effective can the card be when its all going back into the mb.
Regardless im interested in hearing it as it will be likely to have some effect
I'll not be using it as I always intended to provide an external PS to my Mini-PCIe cards anyway but others seem to be talking about it also ... ter-16186/
im taking a similar path as you by adding clean power at the usb3 ports

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 10:50 pm
by nige2000
tony wrote:Window of opportunity inadvertently opened for me next sunday. Would anybody be interested in a zuma nuc streaming meet up in my place sunday afternoon? Ostensibly to test zuma to zuma streaming, any nuc progress and the myriad power supply options.
ill try and go with an array of ps.

my zumas motherboard, pico and graphics card got fried due to the un-tech savvy trying to turn off the amp by increasing the voltage on the trilinear while i was away, i was a wee bit distraught over it. never-less I've new parts on the way and should be back in full glory by friday.

i was playing with another i7 build today without a pico but with a normal silent atx supply and linear to cpu and usb3 and got good improvements underclocking to 1.6 ghz which was the minimum i could set it to. i had my old zuma set at 2.5ghz i never thought about lowering it further til this morning

anyone else try underclocking yet?

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 11:38 pm
by jkeny
Nige, in answer to your question - noise on the + rail of a PS is different to noise on the ground rail. So if a device takes noise off the + rail & dumps it to ground it can have positive effects on the sound. All this is dependent on how that ground is handled by the computer.

I saw mention of the sonic benefits of underclocking on Jplay forum before by Marcin, I think?

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 1:43 pm
by tony
Would have to be looking at what you guys are talking about there to figure out what is going on. No intention of trying anything like that until I have at least half an understanding of what I would trying to implement.

Have ordered a 5m cat7 which I hope will be here this week. It is not fancy just a basic one. Jplay haven't released there ones yet.Will be interesting to see the price.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 3:13 pm
by jkeny
Just another reference point for PS mods in PCs here - goes back to 2008 ... hlight=cMP

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 12:33 pm
by tony
Meet up this weekend. I realised after it is the bank holiday weekend.Not a problem for me as I am around. Can anybody who is thinking about calling up give me a pm?

At this stage for me it is to see were we are at and if zuma to zuma streaming brings a big leap.

Happy to check out all the myriad PS options that are floating about. I think Nigel has done the most work here. I see on Jplay forum there is lots of activity on the buildanaudiopc thread around power supplies.No doubt this is the way to go but I will sit on the fence as I have no electrical experience to justify messing in this area.

The usb card (PPA) and the jplay version and the dedicated audiograde lan cables may improve things further so interested to see how that develops.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 12:41 pm
by Fran
What day are you thinking of Tony?

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 12:43 pm
by tony
Sorry Fran I should have posted it as a new topic it is buried in this thread. Sunday afternoon was the suggested time. To whatever finish time as monday shouldnt be a work problem for most people

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 12:56 am
by nige2000
nigezuma1 is dead!!!! long live nigezuma2!!!!
after the demise of my poor gigabyte p67 ud3b3 i was at a crossroads wether to wait for 1150 intel mobo and buy a new haswell cpu as well or just get a new mobo for my current cpu (i7 2600k). i went with the replacement mobo
theres loads of settings in the bios to play with.

didnt take me as long to fit the streacom case and cpu cooler this time did the lot in 15 min (too much practice)

i disabled speedstep/ turbo etc in the bios along with c3 c6. underclocked to 1.6 ghz
trilinear supply separate to pico psu , cpu and usb wtg and usb3 flash storage(wtg on internal usb3 header and storage on rear port via +5v injection for best results)

i think its sounding really good

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 7:43 am
by tony
Look forward to hearing that. Well done the work rate here is incredible looks like you are upgrading on a weekly basis! Was it all the playing around with power supplies that caused the demise of the motherboard or just end of life?

I hadn't considered getting the internal usb3 connections as the only ports being used are dac and wtg. Is it just to clear up the rear of the case area that these headers are used?

Very interested to see how you are separating out the power supplies. The myriad versions on jplay include variety of battery arrangements.

Noticed a thread on jplay also were MichaelP is putting bubblewrap under the mobo and reporting big improvements. think he did it with the dac also. Assume this means the mobo is loose in the case and may interfere with the heatsink arrangement. From the photo looks like he just has the mobo sitting in an open topped case. The arrangement looks precarious.