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Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 2:27 pm
by Diapason
tony wrote: With regard to normal people a 40lb chunk of cd player or a power supply and pc case to lift. I think I know which one I would prefer to be carting to listen sessions!

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:12 pm
by nige2000
Diapason wrote:
tony wrote: With regard to normal people a 40lb chunk of cd player or a power supply and pc case to lift. I think I know which one I would prefer to be carting to listen sessions!
i know you all think im gone OTT on this, just wanted to see how far i could push the Sound quality, im not displeased with most of the stuff I've done.
Its hardly the first time ye have seen irrational behaviour on this site.

anyway the tri linear is beautiful enough if you can hide it behind something
and every audio pc is going to need a power supply mine is just bigger (maplin 7amp x3)

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:19 pm
by Diapason
nige2000 wrote: i know you all think im gone OTT on this, just wanted to see how far i could push the Sound quality, im not displeased with most of the stuff I've done.
Its hardly the first time ye have seen irrational behaviour on this site.
I'm completely joking, and honestly I've nothing but admiration for the work you're all doing. As an innocent bystander I find this thread very informative (and entertaining) and not OTT at all. Well, not by the standards that apply in these parts, but as you say, we're all for the birds when it comes to that. Apologies if it seems like I was taking the mick, I'm truly not.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:58 pm
by nige2000
Diapason wrote:
nige2000 wrote: i know you all think im gone OTT on this, just wanted to see how far i could push the Sound quality, im not displeased with most of the stuff I've done.
Its hardly the first time ye have seen irrational behaviour on this site.
I'm completely joking, and honestly I've nothing but admiration for the work you're all doing. As an innocent bystander I find this thread very informative (and entertaining) and not OTT at all. Well, not by the standards that apply in these parts, but as you say, we're all for the birds when it comes to that. Apologies if it seems like I was taking the mick, I'm truly not.
didn't mean to come across so defensive, just trying to explain why i was doing all this madness and documenting everything i think might be adding a improvement to sound quality,
i dont know if anyone cares whats inside any of these boxes, i do obviously

if i was building a audio pc from scratch it would probably look a lot different, as I've used alot of parts that were lying around the house and testing of mods had to be done in the building process so they had to be easily reversible to a-b test for potential benefits.
long story short it could be made smaller and tidier.

You never know guys at next meet might tell me my last mods has not altered or lessened sound quality

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 10:03 am
by tony
Streacom case came yesterday.Unfortunately no thermal paste or compound with it. There seems to be a bewildering variety of pastes and prices. How much do I need? Is one tube at 3g enough or do I need lots of tubes. Hope to get the yoke assembled by the weekend so dont want to order it online and dont want to overpay for thermal compound in pcworld either.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 1:16 pm
by sebna
3g is plenty :) will keep you going for many builds.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 4:35 pm
by nige2000
sebna wrote:3g is plenty :) will keep you going for many builds.
Streacom cpu cooler is full of voids use two and use on walls of the case air doesn't conduct well two 3g tubes will do it

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 4:57 pm
by tony
Thermal paste is the least of my problems. Will get over it but the springloaded bolts that hold the cooler cover onto the mobo keeps pushing one of the adhesive threaded receivers out of the mobo. Had to dismantle the mobo twice. Will go back to it tomorrow and assemble it before I put it in the case.

Relaxed about the thermal paste will just take it apart and go again if I find temps are not great. That will be probably in july when I get this finished.

First time doing something always throws up every problem(for me anyway)

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:43 pm
by nige2000
i found it quite tricky,
your next build the control pc will be easier with all the practice your getting :)

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 7:27 pm
by tony
That's a relief thanks for the honesty. The instructions certainly as per usual aint very clear. It seems much easier to me having made the mistakes to try and assemble this before putting the board into place.Maybe that will fail but will try it tomorrow.

Pearse if successful will try and get over for the maplin at some point over the weekend