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Re: Hiface Experience

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:08 pm
by Ken Moreland
Nice review , John.
and a good ref to JPlay too.

Re: Hiface Experience

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:48 pm
by jkeny
Ken Moreland wrote:Nice review , John.
and a good ref to JPlay too.
Thanks Ken,
He's reviewing the JKDAC32 next (after he has written up his review of Jplay) - gave me some great preliminary impressions on the JKDAC32 & likes the way it is burning in.

JKDAC32 is currently being reviewed by Clive Meakins of Enjoythemusic & he should be writing it up soon, I hop!

Re: Hiface Experience

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:19 am
by Fran
This is from the review:
the difference between stock hiFace and MK3 was so huge as to make it difficult hearing any similarities between the two. With the MK3 playback was bigger, bolder and more dramatic but also smoother, less aggressive and edgy. High strings had a sweeter more singing tone. Percussion had a bit more snap and impact. Textures were more fleshed out and vibrant. The sense of forward momentum and relaxed ease that had so impressed me with the Calyx was clearly evident too. The soundstage opened up in depth and width with a greater sense of space, focus and definition between vocal and instrumental images. Overall balance and flow was more analogue-like which in my experience suggests excellent jitter reduction/rejection.
But as with all things audio, food, wine or any vice, once you have a taste of the good stuff, it’s difficult to settle for less. The JKSPDIF MK3 is most definitely the good/better stuff and an excellent option for anyone wanting to play music from a computer who is unwilling to replace an existing premium DAC for an USB-enabled converter. After spending several weeks with the JKSPDIF MK3, I frankly could care less if a DAC had USB or not. With this little gizmo it’s a non-issue. My advice? Buy the best DAC you can afford and if it doesn’t do USB, don’t fret. The JKSPDIF MK3 has your back.
John, many congratulations - is nothing we didn't know already of course, but it is nice to have independent validation of your efforts. Just wait til he writes the jkdac review!!!


Re: Hiface Experience

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:28 am
by jkeny
Thanks Fran,
Yes it's nice to have validation from other sources too :)

The last DAC he reviewed was the $1,800 Calyx DAC 24/192. Guess which one he prefers from his early (unburned) listening to the JKDAC32 :)