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Post by Aleg »

elaprince wrote:
sbgk wrote:uploaded loader v79, control v94 and rewrite v7, think I found something that improves the sq.

v80/v95/v9 trying different amounts of data to copy each loop, in theory this might be optimal. Better balance anyway.

uploaded v81/v96/v13 think this gives the best sq, has been interesting playing about with these. Seems the instructions used, size of loop etc affects the data stored in the wav file in some way, something that's not addressed by any commercial product that I know of.

uploaded mqnplay v220, it has a sample size of 128 bytes so may not work for everyone, thought I'd try and see what the smallest I could get. It played with 2 byte sample size, but the memory shot up and the system froze.

128 bytes is 0.000725 s, ie 0.725 ms, might be of interest to daw users.
Neither v220 128bytes or v221 881bytes works here
I get sound but it is distorted
Here likewise, both versions give a kind of 'fluttering' distorting while playing music.
HDPLEX;picoPSU;ASUS Q87M;i7-4770T;PH SR7EHD;Server2012R2;Thesycon 2.24;
JCAT USB;Sonicweld DiverterHR2;Naim DC1;Chord Hugo;Morrow Audio MA6;Naim NAC-282,SuperCapDR;NAP-300;
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Post by sbgk »

it works on my cheapo headphone dac, remarkable sound quality compared with 1764 byte buffer size. ... rter-a14kf

Shall try it with my other dacs, but expect it won't work. May also be a benefit of win 10.
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Post by elaprince »

sbgk wrote:it works on my cheapo headphone dac, remarkable sound quality compared with 1764 byte buffer size. ... rter-a14kf

Shall try it with my other dacs, but expect it won't work. May also be a benefit of win 10.
Gordon will lowering or raising latency and buffers in USB driver panel effect that?
I shall try it can't now am at at audio computer
Thank you
By the way rewrite make huge difference
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Post by Aleg »

sbgk wrote:it works on my cheapo headphone dac, remarkable sound quality compared with 1764 byte buffer size. ... rter-a14kf

Shall try it with my other dacs, but expect it won't work. May also be a benefit of win 10.
The distortion was on my Win 10 / Mutec 1.2 computer.
Will try it later also on Win 2012 / Diverter


On Win 2012R2 / Diverter the mqnplay v220 gives distortion and the v221 plays just fine.

Update 2:
Well, not so fine. After a few minutes it spontaneously performs a reboot.
HDPLEX;picoPSU;ASUS Q87M;i7-4770T;PH SR7EHD;Server2012R2;Thesycon 2.24;
JCAT USB;Sonicweld DiverterHR2;Naim DC1;Chord Hugo;Morrow Audio MA6;Naim NAC-282,SuperCapDR;NAP-300;
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Post by sima66 »

I have no sound at all with the newest 221.

With the previous versions my mqnplay doesnt stop, but raises my cpu to 25% and than I get loud pack in my speakers!
I remember reading about that a while ago, but I dont remember what was the solution?! :(

Sound is unbelievable!
There is nothing out there to come close to mqn.
Gordon, thanks for not giving up and always having "the final version"! :) :)
I5 4440+TXCOmobo+JCAT Femto-Intona-JKRegen+HynesPS+TeraDak ATX-820W=JCATusb=DiverterHR=Wadia 931/922(GNSC mod)=PassLabsXA100.5=2xValhalla=Stacked&moded ESL57+JAS SuperTweet+2MJ Acoustics Ref.I
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Post by sima66 »

I love this idea of mqnrewrite!
Very practical and convenient to make a playlist!
But there is still even better if rename the song in the "OUT" folder, just to one letter or number.
The highs and details are much better.

That is something what is worth trying, or maybe include in mqn.
I5 4440+TXCOmobo+JCAT Femto-Intona-JKRegen+HynesPS+TeraDak ATX-820W=JCATusb=DiverterHR=Wadia 931/922(GNSC mod)=PassLabsXA100.5=2xValhalla=Stacked&moded ESL57+JAS SuperTweet+2MJ Acoustics Ref.I
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Post by elaprince »

Hi all
I am kind of surprise that no one is commenting on the newest Mqnplayer and Mqnrewrite
I think it a milestone in computer music
Mqnplayer was always ahead of the pack but this left the "others" 100 light-years behind

Thanks Gordon
Take a look at Sima66 suggestion it actually works
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Post by grisaia »

What does Mqnrewrite do exactly? I can't find this on previous pages
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Post by tony »

Can someone just list the new files required to try it and does it play all formats or just 16/44?
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Post by sebna »

Tony you must be in the wrong thread if you are asking for anything else then 16/44 ;)

That is all I know so far - will be trying current versions tonight :) I am still in love with LDN15 <3 It is quite magical in my system :)
i5@800mhz haswell, 16gb @800mhz, H87 mb with PPA TCXO, PPA V1 USB
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