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Post by tony »

Having a listen now to v2 and v3. Both seem exceptional to me. v2 dreamy and mellower but still lots of detail but very relaxed for long term listening. Don't have a problem with the volume actually the opposite find myself having to turn it down further than I would normal listen at.
Not because it is hard to listen to but bigger volume. Soundstage to me is huge on both versions. v3 has fantastic detail. Maybe long term listening one may tire not tired yet though. v2 is available if that happens. both are great as music is just slipping by.
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Post by cvrle59 »

So far, regarding feed back

66*(V2+V3):2 = Perfect Version

just kidding
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Post by goon-heaven »

sbgk wrote:2.66 sse4 intel v2 was ok, but a bit tiring after a while

2.66 sse4 intel v3 removes an instruction that isn't needed for the amount of data being transferred as it's all in cache anyway. Sounds a lot more civilised.
And all down to the removal of just one soothing instruction?
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Post by goon-heaven »

...given reports of harshness, attributed by JC to jiititittter, perhaps that instruction was doing something usefull?
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Post by mjock3 »

Aleg wrote:
adolfo.a.aguiar wrote:
Aleg wrote:Well, lots of thing to check then ;-/

I just disabled HPET and onboard Audio in my BIOS, and I do actually believe it removes some of the over-the-top sharpness.

I have to relisten to some of the music I listened to earlier this afternoon and see if I'm not kidding myself. It is still more sharpish than V2 but I think somewhat more reduced than before.

Fascinating :-)


It seems that disabling HPET only in the bios has no effect.
See: ... e-and-fps/

Adolfo thanks for reminding me of that.
I just created a new 2012 R2 installation and forgot useplatformclock is not enabled by default.
Switching HPET in BIOS does have an effect, but turning it on in BIOS and not setting useplatformclock means it does not use HPET only but a mixture of clocks.

I wiil look at some combinations (in the meantime I already had turned HPET back on, but left onboard Audio off), now I will compare with and without useplatformclock.


Wondering what HPET is?
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Post by sbgk »

mjock3 wrote:
Wondering what HPET is?
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Post by sbgk »

think 2.66 sse4 is too thin sounding, difficult with the new convertor to judge.

Have uploaded 2.67 sse2 version which sounds ok. Still experimenting with sse4.

Uploaded 2 x 2.67 sse4 versions v1 and v2.
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Post by adolfo.a.aguiar »

Comparing 2.64 sse2 intel intrinsic v3 vs 2.66 sse2 atom v2 vs 2.67 sse2 atom:
In my system, 2.64 sse2 intel intrinsic v3 is much better than the others.
It wins in the level of details, tunefulness of the bass lines, timing and overall musical involvement.
2.66 is too laid back, polite.
2.67 is better than 2.66, vocals are sweet but lacks the excitement of 2.64.
Albums used: Peter Hammill - The Silent Corner and the Empty Stage
Anglagard - Hybris
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Post by cvrle59 »

I tried 2.67's and I have feeling that I get tired easily. 2.67's bring all kinds of details that I haven't heard before, but on expense of musicality, i would say. Naim electronics is know as clinical and straight forward so that could be the reason, but it is hard to say. If I can compare it to the photography world, it feels like you over sharpen a photo. It grabs your attention right away, but more you look at it more you have problem with it.
I went back to 2.59 sse4 intel 8 4 16 16 8, and I can enjoy the music for much longer, actually I don't want to stop listening.
Last edited by cvrle59 on Fri Oct 18, 2013 3:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by sima66 »

I still like the 2.66 V2 and V3 the best.

2.77 are to dry, to filtered. A bit less harshness then 2.66, but much less air and musicality.
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