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Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:48 pm
by taggart
grisaia wrote:
TioFrancotirdor wrote:Hi Gordon,

What about this:
1. mqndeviceinfo.exe >> mqnparam.txt
2. mqnDeviceNameReplacer.exe
- reads what is in mqnparam.txt
- opens mqnplayer.exe for edit
- replaces the device name and fills with 0s at the end if needed
Sounds fine to me. But device name string has to be way longer to prevent situation in which user's device name string longer than original one
Would suggest to integrate functionality of mqndeviceinfo.exe and mqndevicenamereplacer.exe into one.


Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 8:07 pm
by janh
Listened to mqnplay v23, v26 and v27 today.

v23 definitely has less clarity than the others. Despite likeable colours to voices/instruments, it is out.

v26 and v27 both have very good clarity and detail, with v26 maybe just that little bit better. Particularly in a piano track, where the lower end has more clarity in v26. But both are very good.

I think the improvements in the last few days have been substantial, need some time for it to settle here.

Jan H.


Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:32 am
by sebna
27 less strain then 26. Because of that 27 better detail then 26. The alignment certainly brings improvement. Still LDN15 best sounding in general with even less strain and more live music in it, more color, natural contrast, dimensionality of sound, better defined sound in space and space around sound and being there impression.


Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:15 pm
by janh
I must correct myself:
I agree with sebna that v27 is better than v26. Better clarity and detail in v27, voices, piano, orchestra.
If v27 is the last word in colour, I dont know. I have not listened to ldn15 since long.


Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:11 pm
by tony
Haven't tested any of the new V stuff. What are the files required? Can we use the 8.91 to 9.10 set ups with just the new mqnplay.exe?


Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:40 pm
by sebna
Tony look below - you will also need paste.exe and all of it has to be in musicplayer folder in root of C. Hope that helps
sbgk wrote:uploaded haswell v16 versions with mqnplay for win 10 and win 2012 r2/win8.1

only plays one file, up to 2gb size.

download mqncontrol.exe, mqnloader.exe, mqnparam.txt and mqnplay.exe v16 for your os (win 8.1/2012 r2 or win 10)

uses mqnparam.txt file for device name and pin no

just replace the values with your device, note the backslashes are \\ and \ rather than \\\\ and \\, pin is set to 0, so if yours is different it won't work at the moment.

first line device, second line pin, it expects to find 2 lines so don't miss the pin.

use mqndevinfo.exe to find your device string and pin no.


needs to be started from mqn.bat or equivalent, ie copy the file to clipboard and run mqn.bat

can be used with the previous hard coded mqnplay version, if someone want's to do a sq comparison between hardcoded and parameter device method.

uploaded mqnplay v17 which might have an improved way of handling the device name, the hard coded version was still better than v16, hopefully v17 closes the gap.


Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:03 am
by sbgk
uploaded v19 loader/control and v28 play, these are back to the old code ie with the deprecated setting

think I find these better than with the hard coded device name which seems darker and more bassy.

anyway the digital sound is gone and there's plenty detail.

play v29 has better bass, so a small improvement - using Steve Wilson - Luminol track to judge the bass


Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:34 am
by taggart
I like v29, but still comparing the latest versions.

Though mqnplay.exe doesn't consume anymore RAM after rendering has finished, it is still left active. This makes it almost unpossible to control MQn from another process, because there is no trigger that indicates end of rendering.

Would it be possible that mqnplay.exe terminates itself after playback?



Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:33 pm
by janh
I have listened somewhat to v27/18 and the new v28,29/19.
Obvious improvement from v27 with the two new versions. In v27 less colour and with edge to voices and piano, and with a choir both voices and acoustics more of a mess.

Not so easy to choose between 28 and 29, maybe prefer 29, must listen more.
Very nice.

Jan H.


Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:05 pm
by sbgk
uploaded sse4 versions of control/loader v19 and play v29, play is for win 2012 r2 or win 8.1

tested sse4 control/loader on my haswell and it sounded a bit flabby and bloated (maybe I can tune it a bit), still find it hard to believe the control/loader can make a difference.

back to haswell (avx2) control and loader and it sounds superb even though play was the same version.

Anyway think that's about as good as I can get it to sound.

next thing will be to get it playing more than one track.

Taggart - the only think I can think of is to leave control running and stop play when the track time has expired. Nothing I do in play makes it want to stop.

edit - control v19 won't work on sse4 as left a avx2 instruction in, so uploaded v20 which is optimised for sse4.