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Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:19 pm
by sbgk
uploaded control and loader v18 and play v20, removed 2 settings that were adding digital sound which were too much with the deprecated setting removed. Sounds a bit better now.

though how I'm able to judge all this without a properly conducted abx test I don't know.

anyway a very punchy, lively sound now, lovely. Hopefully that's the sound sorted.


Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:58 am
by Aleg
sbgk wrote:...

anyway a very punchy, lively sound now, lovely. Hopefully that's the sound sorted.


Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:32 pm
by sbgk
Aleg wrote:
sbgk wrote:...

anyway a very punchy, lively sound now, lovely. Hopefully that's the sound sorted.
seems to be a drop off in treble, did you try v18 play and v17 control/loader ? treble a bit fierce with those, but maybe my system.


Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 2:15 pm
by Aleg
sbgk wrote:
Aleg wrote:
sbgk wrote:...

anyway a very punchy, lively sound now, lovely. Hopefully that's the sound sorted.
seems to be a drop off in treble, did you try v18 play and v17 control/loader ? treble a bit fierce with those, but maybe my system.
likewise in mine.


Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 2:42 pm
by taggart
sbgk wrote:seems to be a drop off in treble, did you try v18 play and v17 control/loader ? treble a bit fierce with those, but maybe my system.
Can confirm this. I find loader/control v18 with play v20 better.


Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:51 am
by sbgk
uploaded mqnplay v21, another attempt to get a less strident sound without using the deprecated setting, sounds ok.

see rewriter source code was made available by Hiroyuki Yokota

!PXOR xmm14, xmm14
!vmovdqa xmm14, [Rcx]
!vmovntdq [Rcx], xmm14
!PXOR xmm12, xmm12
!vmovdqa xmm12, xmm14
!vmovntdq [Rcx], xmm12
!ADD Rcx, 16
!SUB Rax, 16
!JNZ ReWrite_avx

He's a great believer in there being better sounding registers than others, so only uses 2. Not sure why it's necessary to 0 the registers with pxor, just adding noise. It looks a bit insane, he's copying from memory to a register, back to memory then copying from the register to another register and then to overwriting the memory he's already copied to. The copy back to memory has got to be a mistake. weird.

here is mqnloader stylee, I had tried the pxor and found it was noisy, and 2 registers is too slow.


vmovntdqa ymm0, ymmword ptr [rdx+r8]
vmovntdqa ymm1, ymmword ptr [rdx+r8+20H]
vmovntdqa ymm2, ymmword ptr [rdx+r8+40H]
vmovntdqa ymm3, ymmword ptr [rdx+r8+60H]

vmovntdq ymmword ptr [rcx+r8], ymm0
vmovntdq ymmword ptr [rcx+r8+20H], ymm1
vmovntdq ymmword ptr [rcx+r8+40H], ymm2
vmovntdq ymmword ptr [rcx+r8+60H], ymm3

sub r8, r9
jnz LabelBegin


Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 3:10 pm
by sebna
I am not a fan of BHE rewrite. Feels like music is loosing dynamic range or gaining compression. To me rewrite sounds a bit like it is sucking life out of music.


Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:23 pm
by janh
Have been listening somewhat to mqnplay v18-contr/loader v17, v19-v17, v20-v18, v21-v18
with my old ears and with a measure of tinnitus:
To me: play v21> v20> v18,19
Important to me:
play v18 has a noticable veil/haze, which I dont like, v20 much less so, and v21 even better.

I really like v21, clarity, detail better than before. It is nice, sweet on voices, fine orchestral texture.


Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:34 pm
by sbgk
janh wrote:Have been listening somewhat to mqnplay v18-contr/loader v17, v19-v17, v20-v18, v21-v18
with my old ears and with a measure of tinnitus:
To me: play v21> v20> v18,19
Important to me:
play v18 has a noticable vail/haze, which I dont like, v20 much less so, and v21 even better.

I really like v21, clarity, detail better than before. It is nice, sweet on voices, fine orchestral texture.
thanks, that's good news, haven't listened to v21 critically, just on the cheapo headphones. Shall use the same settings in control and loader.


Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 12:33 am
by sbgk
uploaded mqnplay v22, trying to optimise the alignment, wonder if this sounds better, seems to communicate the music better than v21.

on second listen v21 is very good and better than v22.

v23 is what I was looking for, hope you all agree.