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Post by sbgk »

elaprince wrote:Hello Gordon
Did you make any new discovery or progress?
Thank you
been looking at asio, what are people's thoughts on the sq of asio ?
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Post by elaprince »

After talking to few DAC designers thay all says that asio SQ is really good
What are your findings Gordon??
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Post by sbgk »

elaprince wrote:After talking to few DAC designers thay all says that asio SQ is really good
What are your findings Gordon??
I've always found it to be digital sounding, which may be the players fault. Microsoft says it's got low latency and their wavert driver was an attempt to get the same. If it's got good latency then that point's to something being right.

thought of a further improvement to the ks version, just need to implement it.

As I understand it asio client and driver works in user mode, but I also thought that the device interrupts happen in kernel mode. The main issue with asio is that it requires data in separate channels and wav files are interleaved, but mqn could just load each channel into it's own buffer which would presumably help things.
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Post by sbgk »

anyone going to Maynooth ?

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Post by Aleg »

sbgk wrote:
elaprince wrote:Hello Gordon
Did you make any new discovery or progress?
Thank you
been looking at asio, what are people's thoughts on the sq of asio ?
I always find ASIO has a more muffled, deadened sound than KS.
KS is more open sounding, has better clarity and ASIO is more 'warm' and muffled, less detailed.

I have never been a fan of ASIO and always feel KS holds the best cards.

I cannot understand why a BHE is solely built on ASIO.
After listening for a while to BHE, when switching back to MQn it is immediately clear MQn is far ahead of BHE in terms of (as I said) clarity, openness and details.
HDPLEX;picoPSU;ASUS Q87M;i7-4770T;PH SR7EHD;Server2012R2;Thesycon 2.24;
JCAT USB;Sonicweld DiverterHR2;Naim DC1;Chord Hugo;Morrow Audio MA6;Naim NAC-282,SuperCapDR;NAP-300;
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Post by Aleg »

elaprince wrote:After talking to few DAC designers thay all says that asio SQ is really good
What are your findings Gordon??
DAC designers are no yard-stick.
I have talked to some Canadian DAC-builders (maybe the same as yours) and they really didn't know the first thing about KS, telling all kind of stupidities that anyone reading a KS primer wouldn't dare to say aloud.
ASIO is kind of default to them because it comes from the professional audio world. Though I must say having had many contact with the 'technicians' of RME, the professional audio world is also not the place to look for quality sound reproduction. (OMG my blood starts to boil again just thinking back).
HDPLEX;picoPSU;ASUS Q87M;i7-4770T;PH SR7EHD;Server2012R2;Thesycon 2.24;
JCAT USB;Sonicweld DiverterHR2;Naim DC1;Chord Hugo;Morrow Audio MA6;Naim NAC-282,SuperCapDR;NAP-300;
AQ Cinnamon;GISO GB;Netgear Pro+XM21X;Cisco SG300;NAS-ZFS.
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Ken Moreland
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Post by Ken Moreland »

I've been using Bughead(Infinity Blade) for the past 2 weeks with Chord Asio driver and I'm finding it excellent in contrast to Aleg's experiences. I listen to a lot of 24bit and DSF material(as well as 16bit) playing on Jplay 6 using KS. I still think the bass is less flabby on BHE than Jplay . I think it's worth exploring , the MQN disciples are patiently awaiting the all-conquering ,all-sample-size version.

Gordon, if you're coming over to Maynooth, let us know and we'll have a big party in Tony's place.
i5 QuietPC , JplayFemto , Singxer SU-6 , Holo Audio Spring DAC ,LAB12 Preamp, Roundtree Mono Amps, Rosso Fiorentino Elba 2 Speakers
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Post by Aleg »

Hi Ken

I am comparing of course against MQn and nit against JPlay.

But I just tried it again BHE Infinity Blade SQ configured to 20% sound degredation which is the best I get on my RAMDisk OS.

I compared a 96/24 track on BHE against a 44/16 version of the same track on MQn.
Within 10 seconds it is blatantly obvious that MQn is far superior with a much more open sound with a bigger sparkle of life to it and BHE is closed, muted.

I really cannot fathom how anybody else could come to a different conclusion unless it really is sounding differently on their setup.
But for me MQn 44/16 is way, way better than BHE 96/24.

HDPLEX;picoPSU;ASUS Q87M;i7-4770T;PH SR7EHD;Server2012R2;Thesycon 2.24;
JCAT USB;Sonicweld DiverterHR2;Naim DC1;Chord Hugo;Morrow Audio MA6;Naim NAC-282,SuperCapDR;NAP-300;
AQ Cinnamon;GISO GB;Netgear Pro+XM21X;Cisco SG300;NAS-ZFS.
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Ken Moreland
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Post by Ken Moreland »

Hi Aleg, we won't fall out over it. I agree MQN on 16bit is superb especially the recent Dac specific versions and look forward to Gordon wheeling out the all singing , all dancing product.
Most software plays all sample rates(inc DoP) for better or worse from Foobar,Jriver,HQPlayer, Jplay etc and for me BHE is best of that bunch. There's good music in 24bit and DSF in addition to 16bit .
Time for a few other forum members to compare.
i5 QuietPC , JplayFemto , Singxer SU-6 , Holo Audio Spring DAC ,LAB12 Preamp, Roundtree Mono Amps, Rosso Fiorentino Elba 2 Speakers
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Post by elaprince »

Aleg you are right about Asio 100%
I was just expressing what I was told but some designers
As far as MQn player goes it is best out of 6 I have try
BHE it is OK but but still not there
It is convenience cause plays everything you throw at but we are looking for BEST SQ (at least I am)
Thank you Gordon
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