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Re: Demo booked, bring on the contenders...

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:58 pm
by jkeny
Claus wrote:The BAT has landed! Very nice sound off this one right out of (a long time in) the box. Amazing detail, sweet relaxed sound, blackness, dynamics, midrange etc. It is supposed to improve over the next 20 - 50 hours still...Rediscovering a few discs this evening.

Strangely the long awaited Young DAC also arrived today, but has to be returned straight back to the UK. It is very hard to have another great piece of equipment just sitting there in a box looking at me. Unfortunately I cannot afford both and have promised the dealer to return it without opening it. Sorry John! I would still like to listen to your DAC in the near future... ;)

My class d audio kit also arrived! Now off to Fran for a box for it... :)

What a day!
Well done Claus, nice catch, I presume a good price? No problem with the Young DAC although I was looking forward to having a comparison with my DAC. Give me a shout whenever you feel the desire to have a listen to my DAC - just created a balanced headphone amplifier also. Plans are to have an option to integrated in the Hiface DAC or to have it as a standalone box. Sounds great into my Superlux headphones which I rewired to balanced mode. I reckon it would have no problem driving AKG701s now!

I would be interested to hear that class-D amp - it reads well!

Re: Demo booked, bring on the contenders...

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:24 pm
by Claus
The price was very reasonable. ;) The headphone amp would make a lot of sense for someone like me who have small kids. Would a balanced conversion be possible with my HD580? Would be very interested i a home demo when this is ready. Just send me a PM!

Those who has valve CD players: Do you leave them on standby or do you just turn on 30 mins or so before a session?
The manual is not really clear what the best is. I would do this with my guitar amp to save the valves... Thanks guys!

Re: Demo booked, bring on the contenders...

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:33 pm
by Derek
I leave my non-valve cdp on, but you should always turn off valve equipment

Re: Demo booked, bring on the contenders...

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:20 pm
by Ivor
Claus wrote:Those who has valve CD players: Do you leave them on standby or do you just turn on 30 mins or so before a session?
The manual is not really clear what the best is.
Yeah, 30 - 40 minutes before listening works for me. Valves have a very definite life and leaving them on would be costly.

Re: Demo booked, bring on the contenders...

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:02 pm
by Claus
I will stick with that so. Thanks guys!

Had a bit more listening time last night. It is strange to hear so much detail from CDs I have known for so long. The soundstage is nearly too wide with my hybrid speakers: If too many instruments are is panned far left or right it nearly leaves a gap in the center!! Maybe this is common enough on a good system ;) The other very strange thing is some vocals, like Dylan, has always sounded a little strained and compressed. Now he sounds laid back, relaxed and integrated into the rest of the music. Very ear-opening!

Re: Demo booked, bring on the contenders...

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:35 pm
by Ivor
Claus wrote: The soundstage is nearly too wide with my hybrid speakers: If too many instruments are is panned far left or right it nearly leaves a gap in the center!! Maybe this is common enough on a good system ;) The other very strange thing is some vocals, like Dylan, has always sounded a little strained and compressed. Now he sounds laid back, relaxed and integrated into the rest of the music. Very ear-opening!
Play about with the positioning of the speakers, you might be able to get a more 'neutral' soundstage. Certainly I've found that a valve CD player + panel speakers = huge soundstage but, if it's not to your taste, it can be tamed. Personally I like it! What amp are you using again?

Re: Demo booked, bring on the contenders...

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:44 am
by Claus
The amp is Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista M3. Thanks, I am still working on the positioning and toe in. Eminent Tech recommend no toe in, which is just absurd the way my room is set up at the moment. I have the speakers either side of the fireplace, which might not be optimal with omnidirectional designs. I do love the soundstage but just some recordings I would like the musicians in front of me IN the actual room... ha ha... You asked for a demo. In my house or yours? :)

Re: Demo booked, bring on the contenders...

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 12:38 pm
by Ivor
Claus wrote:The amp is Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista M3. .....You asked for a demo. In my house or yours? :)
Nice amp, it's a combination I've never heard.

Demo at yours I think, I wouldn't have you bring CDP, speakers and amp over to D6 even if you're over this way regularly ;)