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Re: Hiface Experience

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:18 pm
by jkeny
And a user's impression of the JKSPDIF MK3: ... st_7619500
Got to listen to it some more today...nothing has changed, I'm still impressed. What you want in a converter is not to be able to discern a sound signature. It should be entirely transparent and let the DAC shine...which is what the MK3 does. The MK1 was a bit soft and slow, the MK2 was somewhat dry and closed in comparison, the MK3 is none of that. It's fast, detailed, revealing, very open, noiseless/black, delicate and all this without a hint of harshness. Some of the greatest areas of improvement over the other transports are the tight bass and grain-free, smooth, detailed, extended treble. The best top-end I've heard in my system.

I can't find any flaws with the MK3. I can't give it any higher praise because up till now, that has happened with only a handful of the best equipment I've owned.

I also like the fact that the build is more professional and the jacks are finally all at the back in one place. Makes wiring neater and more convenient.

Just as a reference, I've owned the y2 DAC/converter, Musiland 02US (3 of them), MK1, MK2, MK3 and stock HiFace, both Asus Essence ST and STX, Teralink-X2 (twice) with linear regulated PSU + aftermarket silver USB cable. I've also used several integrated motherboard SPDIF outputs. The MK3 is hands down the best out of these, and they're all better than straight USB. If people are still using the USB input with their high-end DAC, they're really missing out on the potential of their source. The difference is profound.

Re: Hiface Experience

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:31 pm
by Claus
Just a quick initial impression: Oh my God! Just playing a cd through Audirvana lets me hear things I have never heard before! I will report back with some more detail. If this continues there will be a BAT cd player for sale soon!

Re: Hiface Experience

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:11 pm
by jkeny
I told you this JKDAC can compete with some of the best out there - not just talking about other computer audio but CD players/DACs also :)
Thanks for posting, Claus - look forward to your further impressions. Users have reported improvements after some burn-in - time varies form 30hrs to a week!

Try to rip the CD to HDD first & playback from HDD rather than playing CD through the computer!

Re: Hiface Experience

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:34 pm
by jkeny
Here's another user impression of the DAC: ... post561873

He calls it the JK Saber!
Gypr1961 has just left with the JK Saber and will do a write up comparing it to his Audio GD Ref 5. But we did a bit of a listening session for a few hours between the JK, WFS DAC 2 and Tranquility SE. My PDX is having a bit of work done on it right now so could not be included.

Ok we confirmed the order of the DAC's as (worse to best) WFS, JK Saber and Tranquility SE. But Gypr1961 (Gary) preferred the JK to the Tranquility even though he thought the Tranquility was the better DAC, as I did. The reason was, as everyone who has heard the Tranquility SE has noted, it has a very beguiling, liquid, fluid and mercury like mid-range that was recognized as better than the other DAC's, but was not to his taste - evidently the musical thing which the Tranquility definitely does is not his preference.

Gary was surprised with the WFS - glare in the upper mid-range lower treble with some sibilance issues and quite cold. This was because many people on the internet were saying how good it was - but really in this comparison it was not up to the other DAC's - in fact after a while it became un-listenable because you easily locked onto its deficiencies after listening to the DAC's. One thing in favor of the WFS was it had the most tunefull bass but I thought the JK bass was both lower and better. This however is the Tranquility's achilles heel - the bass is a little one note and flabby which on bass heavy material was noticeable.

The track that we locked onto that really showed the differences was Duffy Rockferry - the first track Rockferry - which has the reputation of being hard to reproduce properly due to her Welch wavering voice. Through the Tranquility - sublime. Its mid-range loves this type of stuff. We tried it both via Itunes and Audirvana - Audirvana was quite noticeably better and via that the Tranquility really was awesome. We tried the JK both direct and via the Truth. Through the Truth it was a bit thin and un-involving - direct to the amp was a lot better - greater detail, imaging - all sorts of stuff was better. But the mid-range was not as magical as the Tranquility - still very nice though - but a bit dry - but Gary did not mind that. At $700.00 with no pre amp required incredible value. Afraid the WFS was not in the hunt - it made Duffy's voice sound glarey, cold and sibilancy - most definitely not what you would want to listen to after the other DAC's.

On the basis of this comparison I must say don't even bother with the WFS - the JK is better and cheaper. The Tranquility SE is clearly better (and it should be at three times the price) but like Gary it may not be to your taste.

Re: Hiface Experience

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 8:36 pm
by jkeny
And another (this JKDAC is on a tour of Australia :)): ... post561396

I would like to say I'm big down under but my wife is giving me a withering look :)
Ive had JKDAC for a few days now. My main source has changed a little recently. I sold my Wadia iTransport and iPod which was my main source for 2.5yrs, I sold the W4S dac1 I had for 10mo which replaced a CIAudio VDA2/VAC1 combo I had for 2 yrs.

My Amps are Manley Mahis and pre is a Trevor Lees Audio ref (all tube) and speakers are highly modded Zu Druids (new HO drivers and Mundorf/Duelund high pass + cabinet damping)and 2x Zu mini methods subs. All if which are stable including speaker cables and ICs.

I updated the MacBook pro to Lion and downloaded the 10.6 Hiface driver. Not knowing much about computer audio I fudged my way thru the setup to get sound.

I was immediately struck by how wide the soundstage was in comparison. Next was how deep and smooth the mids were followed by a brighter airier treble that was not harsh or brittle. Bass seemed to be less initially but it was tighter, after a while bass seemed to be more natural and very enjoyable..... Not as "in your face". All the detail is there which is nice Overall the sound is softer and slightly warmer than before. Definitely more easy to listen to over a long period.

Maybe it's the computer vs wadia/ipod or JK vs W4S but my system never sounded so good. I'm waiting for a USB cable to arrive over the STD Belkin I'm using now.......also a new Mac mini is on it's way...... What
If the sound improved even more

Re: Hiface Experience

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:00 pm
by Modest ... rmd%3Divns
Congratulations John I hope very soon you be a rich man. The one of most powerfull Russian forums start talking about your Hiface MKII and in that forum siting total audiophile nuts and all good words about the sound :)

Re: Hiface Experience

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:21 pm
by jkeny
Modest wrote: ... rmd%3Divns
Congratulations John I hope very soon you be a rich man. The one of most powerfull Russian forums start talking about your Hiface MKII and in that forum siting total audiophile nuts and all good words about the sound :)
Thanks, modest, but I won't get rich doing this, believe me!

Hopefully Claus will be reporting back soon with more impressions?

Re: Hiface Experience

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 9:59 am
by Claus
I only got a brief chance in the busy household to do an A/B with my BAT cd player. I listened to Elgar's "In The South".
I found it very hard to hear huge difference between the two sources. I heard a little more definition in the bass using the JKDac. I also thought it went a little deeper.
In other departments they were very equal with perhaps a little more warmth coming from the BAT. I did get some distortion on crescendos on some notes with the JKDac.
I am not sure why this is but I have had some problems with the input selector on my amp causing distortion and signal loss, so it will go off to be repaired.
I will return with more findings as soon as I get it back from repair.

Re: Hiface Experience

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:55 am
by Modest

Re: Hiface Experience

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2011 11:19 am
by jkeny
Hi Claus,
Can you give a little more detail on your setup? What model is the BAT? It has a DAC section, tube output section, price?

I would be interested to hear the outcome of the distortion on crescendos - the JKDAC outputs standard line level 2V &
I haven't heard distortion on any other equipment that this JKDAC has been tried with.

Thanks Modest - John Darko will be doing a review on the JKDAC soon & let's hope he comes to a similar conclusion "thought about tagging this battery-powered Hiface as "highly recommended" but it's better than that - instead, I have to go with "essential". Got computer? Get this."