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Re: Electronica - what are you listening to?

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 6:15 pm
by cybot
Going to listen to Leyland Kirby and Colleen tonight....



Re: Electronica - what are you listening to?

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 10:58 pm
by fergus
cybot wrote:Image
I know that these kind of comments are rather facile but I really do like the artwork on a lot of the albums displayed on this thread. As I have said before, I know absolutely nothing of the music, but I always check the thread for more visual delights!!

Re: Electronica - what are you listening to?

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 1:20 am
by cybot
fergus wrote:
cybot wrote:Image
I know that these kind of comments are rather facile but I really do like the artwork on a lot of the albums displayed on this thread. As I have said before, I know absolutely nothing of the music, but I always check the thread for more visual delights!!
No, fergus, your comments are never facile;in fact, I really appreciate them. But, you are right, some of the covers are rather lovely :-)

Re: Electronica - what are you listening to?

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:53 pm
by cybot

Contains what I consider to be the greatest improvised solo piano meditation in my collection;it takes a up whole side of vinyl and is,in fact, a never before released cut in any form.It took me completely by surprise when I first discovered its presence on Side 3 on this, sort of, best of collection almost thirty years ago;like the best surprises it transfixed me then as it continues to do year after year. Florian's sense of space and control is stunning and time and time again he alludes to themes he used in 'Nosferatu the Vampyre' (Werner Herzog version).... Read the reviews below and believe.....

Some customer reviews:

How can you describe an album that's indescribable? I have heard many albums in my life, some were good, some were bad, some were brilliant...but none of them came even close to this one. Remember the black monolith in Kubrick's "2001: a space odyssey"? This is the musical equivalent, at least for me. It's so intense and mind-boggling that after you finished listening to it you are in another state of mind. And it's timeless music, although it was recorded over 30 years ago it will NEVER EVER sound dated. Unfortunately Popol Vuh's mastermind Florian Fricke died in 2001, but he left the world one of the very best music albums of all time.

It is impossible to describe just how much this album can affect you. Yes, it's slow... and yes, not an awful lot happens in it, but immerse yourself in Fricke's work and there's not an awful lot else like it in the world of music. From the tragic disorientation of Aguirre to the tear-inducingly beautiful piano melodies of the "Spirit of Peace" trilogy, this is not just an album of songs. It is indeed one of the great works of art of the last 50 years. No, the music itself cannot be compared to the likes of Mozart, Beethoven or Shubert, but the effect Popol Vuh's harmonies produce is almost unparalleled. Everything serves a purpose - the silence between the songs is just as necessary as the music itself. No motif is repeated without a reason, and no fade-out occurs too early or too late. I don't know what the album means, and probably will never know, but this does not detract in the least from one of the GREATEST musical works of our time.

Re: Electronica - what are you listening to?

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:13 am
by Ivor

Jónsi -Go.

Solo debut from the main voice in Sigur Ros. Stunningly beautiful album.
It was been hanging around my room still in it's shrinkwrap for the past week and a half as I didn't think I'd like it (sent by the record company). I was wrong... I'm lovin' it.

Re: Electronica - what are you listening to?

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:36 pm
by jadarin
Ivor wrote:Image

Jónsi -Go.

Solo debut from the main voice in Sigur Ros. Stunningly beautiful album.
It was been hanging around my room still in it's shrinkwrap for the past week and a half as I didn't think I'd like it (sent by the record company). I was wrong... I'm lovin' it.
This is well worth a listen.Like yourself Ivor I wasn't expecting too much from this but it was a pleasant
surprise how good this is.

Re: Electronica - what are you listening to?

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 12:18 am
by Ivor
susumu yokota - The boy and the tree


Zero 7 - Yeah Ghost


Re: Electronica - what are you listening to?

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:21 am
by Modest
Already 4th time on repeat and still can't stop it ,brilliant stuff

Re: Electronica - what are you listening to?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:27 am
by cybot
Ivor wrote:susumu yokota - The boy and the tree


Zero 7 - Yeah Ghost

Nice one Ivor :-) What do you think of Susumo's little dittie? I have quite a lot of his stuff but passed on 'The Boy.....' due to Yokota overload at the time. Anyway you've inspired me to dig out the previous one in the Skintone trilogy ('The Boy...' was the third) a compilation of his real early stuff...



Re: Electronica - what are you listening to?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:29 am
by cybot
Some I picked up recently....hope you like the sleeves fergus :-)

Anders Krause - Move Ground

Lee Ranaldo,Jim O'Rourke and Christoph Heemann - Bloomington, Indiana.....Autumn