Aleg wrote:You probably run MQN also on a dedicated core on a Quad-Core CPU, as I do?
I think that's why you get around the 25% CPU usage in Taskmanager as it runs that one core at 100%, meaning 25% of total CPU capacity?
I also have to reboot now regularly, as the systems locks.
Hi Aleg,
Yes, I am running a 4 core cpu (see my signature;) ) and yes, I dedicate 1 core to MQnplayer via tasker. I understand that the 25% are one core, but it is still working without counting high? That might be the case because my overall usage including the online convolving with Acourate Convolver is at 27 to 28%.
By the way, v29 has around 27-28% on my system and no upscoring of cpu usage as well.
Might the issue be the overall system usage of cpu time?
I have again reviewed the situation with normally booted OS because RAMOS uses pretty less performance. I thought that I might be able to measure what some described even better. The only result were the hickups, described in my earlier post, which disapear the moment I put MQnplay and Acourate Convolver on different cores.
Another idea I have might be the allochthon of the priority of the tasks? I have MQnplay and Acourate Convolver on realtime, all other tasks are below normal. Could also be the reason why the system is not freezing because I don't get into conflicts one might have?
Gordon, maybe you have an idea about the causes as you know the differences between the 8.1 test versions and the edler ones?
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