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Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:10 pm
by sbgk
DJ le Roi wrote:Are the new versions only for Haswell computers?
and above


Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:19 pm
by Octagon
Aleg wrote:As Thomas says V14 has a somewhat bigger soundstage, which suits e.g. orchestral music very well. Listening to a violin concerto (Isabella Faust with the new Schumann Violin Concerto) I like the bigger soundstage of V14 better than the increased directness and somewhat increased bass of V16.


I think overall I would give preference to V16, just listened to female jazz vocal (Carmen Gomez Inc) and the additional bass, warmth of V16 does suit her very well

May I do a suggestion? Might be the truth is somewhere in the middle: As said I have the feeling the additional bass might cause the difference. Gordon, what do you think about a V17 which is a V16 only without the changes to the bass?

We might get additional understanding from that experience?

My 2 cents


Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:43 pm
by sbgk
uploaded v18, uses a time attribute that's supposed to help filters synchronise, not sure if it's used with MQn as there is just one filter.

Sounds different, haven't tested to see if it's just the code used to implement the time that makes a difference.

don't think it's doing anything positive.

not sure what version it equates to, but v19 is the one I keep coming back to as most musical.


Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:21 am
by Aleg
sbgk wrote:uploaded v18, uses a time attribute that's supposed to help filters synchronise, not sure if it's used with MQn as there is just one filter.

Sounds different, haven't tested to see if it's just the code used to implement the time that makes a difference.

don't think it's doing anything positive.

not sure what version it equates to, but v19 is the one I keep coming back to as most musical.
I like V18 just a tad better than V19.
V18 is just that bit better in keeping definition in low level signals, whereas V19 becomes a bit woozy just loosing a bit of the details that are still there. Tested on Impromptu by Henk v.d. Brink and Tony Overwater, duo of piano and double bass.



Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 12:58 pm
by 2channelaudio
Hi Gordon,

Curious to know when or if auto device discovery is going to be enabled...
Likely or unlikely?

A few months or so ago I believe you hinted this functionality would be introduced very shortly

Additionally, Can someone please let me know which was the last version (mqnplay and control versions) which played on pre haswell cpu's.



Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:13 pm
by Octagon
sbgk wrote:uploaded v18, uses a time attribute that's supposed to help filters synchronise, not sure if it's used with MQn as there is just one filter.

Sounds different, haven't tested to see if it's just the code used to implement the time that makes a difference.

don't think it's doing anything positive.

not sure what version it equates to, but v19 is the one I keep coming back to as most musical.
both sound pretty well but I am not going to judge on them. It takes too much time in between to switch files, change music files and then you are not reaching the right positions at the end of the files ;) not the best base for comparison. Next I have to get better known to my new speakers as well....

Gordon, wouldn't it be better if we focus on a full KS version which would allow better observation on sq?

But anyway, thank's as it sounds really very promissing again.


Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:22 pm
by Octagon
2channelaudio wrote:Additionally, Can someone please let me know which was the last version (mqnplay and control versions) which played on pre haswell cpu's.

I can't answer about non-Haswell versions but it may help you to know the latest version which was working with W7. This version is still working with an AMD Phenom II X6 processor on my office system, so it will work with non-Haswell:
Mqnplay 7.39 normal, MQncontrol 3.65 and portaudio_x64.dll v57 normal.
Don't forget you need MQnparam.txt to identify your device.

Take care


Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:19 am
by 2channelaudio
Octagon wrote:
2channelaudio wrote:Additionally, Can someone please let me know which was the last version (mqnplay and control versions) which played on pre haswell cpu's.

I can't answer about non-Haswell versions but it may help you to know the latest version which was working with W7. This version is still working with an AMD Phenom II X6 processor on my office system, so it will work with non-Haswell:
Mqnplay 7.39 normal, MQncontrol 3.65 and portaudio_x64.dll v57 normal.
Don't forget you need MQnparam.txt to identify your device.

Take care
Thanks for that.... I really appreciate your time taken to respond.

I am trying to stay away from versions that require manual device string identification.
As I don't have a clear understanding of the requirements/process.

I don't think I am alone when I say manual device identity and string manipulation is ostracizing some long time Mqn users.
I can tell you first hand I have had a few long term Mqn advocates express their concern that as Mqn is developing its becoming more and more difficult to implement.

Earlier in Mqns development there subjectively seemed to be more testers and listeners providing feedback.
It now seems the manual device manipulation has really culled alot of users providing feedback, which I think is a real shame.

Could auto device recognition be reinstated without impacting on SQ?


Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:15 am
by Octagon
2channelaudio wrote:I am trying to stay away from versions that require manual device string identification.
As I don't have a clear understanding of the requirements/process.
Hi "2channelaudio",

with mqnparam.txt it is easy, you would just need the number of the device which is 0, 1, 2 etc. Please don't mix that with the device name used for the actual test versions. In case I am happy to give you the details to get the W7 version working, just let me know.
2channelaudio wrote:I don't think I am alone when I say manual device identity and string manipulation is ostracizing some long time Mqn users.
I can tell you first hand I have had a few long term Mqn advocates express their concern that as Mqn is developing its becoming more and more difficult to implement.
I understand your comments and I am myself dealing with the restrictions. From my perspective the improvement achieved with the elder versions has already been great and everyone who likes to invest some time is able to use this quality for free. Recognizing this, I decided for myself to invest more time into MQn to help a bit on the way to even more improved sq. And it is painfull sometimes to hex edit these files all the time ;) But you see what is happening: I would never have had 10% of the knowledge to get building a player like MQn, that is why I am happy with Gordon offering his knowledge and time. There is Taggart who build a tool for more comfort in the usage of MQn. It was sebna showing us a way to hex edit the latest test versions. This looks to me like a real good example of knowledge exchange resulting in more knowledge for everyone. And again, me myself would not have been able to do any of these developments before.

Please let us keep in mind that this is some kind of public development (agreed, Gordon?). I would see the v version as alpha testing, the individual versions as beta and the other ones as release candidates. It is our decision how far we want to dive into the development, isn't it? ;) If you follow the thread you have for sure recognized that this does not mean to me that I am not expressing my suggestions. :)

Just my 2 cents

P.S. By the way: What is your name, I prefer using a name with my post when answering ;)


Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:59 pm
by darkpink
Can someone please dropbox their working mqn folder because mqncontrol just keep on crashing for me?