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Post by rickmcinnis »

Octagon wrote:
nige2000 wrote:pardon my ignorance

I do use Tasker in the same way I did before and it works fine. I start the .bat manually which I start in the other versions via MQnload.

Take care
So one does need to use .bat? I had no luck with it since I thought MQnloader was similar to MQnload as far as functionality.
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Post by nige2000 »

rickmcinnis wrote:nige2000,

That is why I asked if a 32 bits version would be possible,

Troublesome in which ways? My experience with XP was very good.

Is it not capable of using kernel streaming properly? When I used it it was with JULI@ soundcard and ASIO.

My curiosity has the best of me.
64bit xp was trouble

anyhow win 8.1 r2 is just natively better at audio

juli@ might not do ks
I'm only curious to what pci direct will sound like

I'm still stuggling to leave wasapi yet

can someone upload a MQN bat file that works with tasker and new mqn please

what's the purpose of the new MQNloader?

Thomas can you upload your favourite MQN version folder please

just Trying to get up to speed
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Post by Octagon »

nige2000 wrote:can someone upload a MQN bat file that works with tasker and new mqn please

what's the purpose of the new MQNloader?
Hi Nige,
I guess you are talking about taggerts MQnload? It makes it easier to change different MQn versions, includes a shortcut to play highlighted files and offers a command line which works everytime you start a file with MQnload. I use this command line to start a .bat which sorts the core usage and task prioritisation via Tasker, another great tool of Taggert.
nige2000 wrote:Thomas can you upload your favourite MQN version folder please
My favorite so far is MQncontrol 3.92 avx2 with MQnplay 9.00 avx2 oct. Gordon built this oct Version for my FireFace UCX. I could not test the newer versions as my device name has 94 digits and there are only 90 available to be hexedited. As the February 11 test versions have 104 digits I was able to change them.

Nige, send me your mail via PN and I send you what you need.

Take care
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Post by sbgk »

new version of jplay out for beta testing, could it be the version that stops mqn ?

the problem with jplay is that I've always found it a bit digital, but shall give it a try.

they say it no longer uses the pc clock and gets it's timing from the dac, don't know what this means, it's beyond me.

I thought the driver told the pc when it wanted more data, so don't understand the change in clock they are talking about.
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Post by tony »

Had an initial blast at the new Jplay beta last night. Full 'We get requests' album inadvertently and too lazy to pull the usb stick as it was in hibernate mode. On first listen it seems excellent.I thought noise floor was very low. It was late last night so could be just a good time to try it out. MQn I think might be more dynamic/lively sounding but will wait until I have tested more before venturing my view.

Hibernate with usb stick is a pita but the ability to play flac/wav all versions makes it easy to use.
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Post by sebna »

I also heard that the sound signature of new beta 6 is heading MQN direction and that is more similar to it then to jplay 5.2. However had not tested it myself yet.

Tony I have a good news for you. You can use jplay in hibernate mode and still be able to play / pause / stop / and skip tracks :) without the need to wake it up. All you have to do is it to use foobar as front end for jplay and Foobarcon on your phone / tablet to control it (give you same functionality like jriver but it works in hibernate without waking up machine which jriver does not).

It of course require some kind of lan access. Either wifi or cable.
i5@800mhz haswell, 16gb @800mhz, H87 mb with PPA TCXO, PPA V1 USB
no storage of any kind, SATA disabled in BIOS, RAMos, W2012 R2, AO 1.26, MQN
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Post by elaprince »

Yes it is closer then never before but still Mqn is leading in ALL players I have try so far
And with OS on ram I dont think anyone can surpasses as of now
In the future who knows
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Post by elaprince »

Any new ideas how to make it even better
Keep my fingers cross
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Post by cvrle59 »

There is no much going on here lately, so I want to shake it little bit, to make an announcement...Haswell finally...:)
At the same time I want to thank to Ken and Nige for tremendous support in this journey. I'm not done yet with all the tweaks, but basic stuff is in place, I can play the newest MQn versions.
i3 Haswell, PPAStudio USB3 card and USB Micro cable/Chord Hugo/Nad-275BEE/Harbeth-30.1
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Post by sebna »

What have you done so far? Which tweaks have you used? I am asking as I am at similar stage as you it seems with Haswell build

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i5@800mhz haswell, 16gb @800mhz, H87 mb with PPA TCXO, PPA V1 USB
no storage of any kind, SATA disabled in BIOS, RAMos, W2012 R2, AO 1.26, MQN
Teradak ATX LPSU 210W & 5v LPSU for clean 5v to DAC
Meitner MA-1, Primare Pre30 + A33.2, Zingali HM 2.10+
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