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Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 4:48 pm
by Aleg
sbgk wrote: yes, but 8.97 is not very good with the bass notes
Can't agree with you here.

Listening to deep bass note of some piano pieces, I find them totally believable and very good and well balanced in relation to the whole spectrum.




Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:24 pm
by grisaia
sbgk wrote:
erin wrote:With the latest version I can report so far, there is a very silent background...
and foreground. LOL :)

Some kind person please tell me what I've done wrong, because I get no sound.

I have:

Used my existing working musicplayer folder and simply replaced mqncontrol.exe with mqncontrol.exe 3.84 normal (and deleted the text "3.84 normal") and replaced mqnplay with mqnplay1644.exe 24 bit 8.97 normal seb (and deleted the text "24 bit 8.97 normal seb")

when I run mqn.bat it opens the dos box, shows the song I copied, but then the dos box closes.

Thank you
it's device specific, so needs to be built for your device.
So unless user possess specific devices, there is no way to check mqn player out? :/


Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:28 pm
by Aleg
grisaia wrote:
sbgk wrote:
erin wrote:With the latest version I can report so far, there is a very silent background...
and foreground. LOL :)

Some kind person please tell me what I've done wrong, because I get no sound.

I have:

Used my existing working musicplayer folder and simply replaced mqncontrol.exe with mqncontrol.exe 3.84 normal (and deleted the text "3.84 normal") and replaced mqnplay with mqnplay1644.exe 24 bit 8.97 normal seb (and deleted the text "24 bit 8.97 normal seb")

when I run mqn.bat it opens the dos box, shows the song I copied, but then the dos box closes.

Thank you
it's device specific, so needs to be built for your device.
So unless user possess specific devices, there is no way to check mqn player out? :/
As said above just use 8.92 avx or normal with any of the latest control versions.
And again as said above, this is not the permanent situation but only a development step.


Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 6:02 pm
by sebna
Hi Gordon,

Got the right string, the previous one I posted was incomplete The one below is taken with use of Aplayer so should be fine in oppose to manual searching through registry.

Any chance that you could do 8.99 or 97 normal using the string below (or even better both of them if not much of a hassle)? Really interested to see what the designated device does and how are new versions.




Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 6:32 pm
by grisaia
I only receive this: Image (cant find files.txt, active code page 65001)
Console window flashes for a second and then shuts down. Version of files doesnt matter, always the same situation.
Currently I use
mqncontrol.exe 3.85 avx2
mqnplay1644.exe 24 bit 8.88 normal
What does that code page 65001 mean? I can't find anything about it.


Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 6:58 pm
by Aleg
grisaia wrote:I only receive this: Image (cant find files.txt, active code page 65001)
Console window flashes for a second and then shuts down. Version of files doesnt matter, always the same situation.
Currently I use
mqncontrol.exe 3.85 avx2
mqnplay1644.exe 24 bit 8.88 normal
What does that code page 65001 mean? I can't find anything about it.
I see you are not yet familiar with MQn.
Did you read the MQnreadme.txt about the basic setup?

So I would suggest you start with mqncontrol.exe 3.74 and the mqnplay1644.exe 24 bit 8.88 normal

Also I suggest to start reading this thread from the beginning at least once and pay attention to the instructions for setting the "Run as Administrator". MQn can be somewhat recalcitrant on some setups.

The required settings can be a little different for different OS and if you do not have an Intel Ivy CPU you should stick to the normal versions.

It is necessary to give as much information as possible about the hardware you use (CPU, DAC and OS) and also about how skilled you are on a Windows PC.


Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:44 pm
by sbgk
A bit harsh Aleg, I suggested he post here hoping that someone would be able to help, hope he doesn't have
to read the whole thread.

I'm assuming it's Polish text, can any other Polish users help ?


what pc/OS and device do you have, might not be avx2 capable ?

can you send a screenshot of the mqnplayer3 directory so can check the files are correct.


Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 8:04 pm
by tony
sbgk wrote:A bit harsh Aleg, I suggested he post here hoping that someone would be able to help, hope he doesn't have
to read the whole thread.

I'm assuming it's Polish text, can any other Polish users help ?


what pc/OS and device do you have, might not be avx2 capable ?

can you send a screenshot of the mqnplayer3 directory so can check the files are correct.
I think sending him back to the start might be a step too far alright! Seb is the man to help him since he is polish.


Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 8:45 pm
by sebna
I wrote to him few hours ago once I saw polish writing on his screen shot.

He did not read it yet. I will try to help him. Should be easy enough to get some version working for him so he can understand the principals and take it from there on his own.


Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:47 pm
by Aleg
sbgk wrote:A bit harsh Aleg, I suggested he post here hoping that someone would be able to help, hope he doesn't have
to read the whole thread.

I'm assuming it's Polish text, can any other Polish users help ?


what pc/OS and device do you have, might not be avx2 capable ?

can you send a screenshot of the mqnplayer3 directory so can check the files are correct.
I did not want to be harsh.
But I myself usually do read a thread just once (even the long ones) as many of the basic questions a novice has will be answered along the way and it is not always an easy task to guide a novice through all the steps and basic knowledge needed to make adjustments on his personal setup. And reading it all by himself will give him a lot of insight into the workings and difficulties he can come across.

I never take the easy route or shortcuts myself (privately or in work).

so wasn't trying to be harsh, but taking him along the route I would take myself.

Sorry :-(

Cheers ;-)
