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Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:13 pm
by sbgk
tony wrote:
sbgk wrote:
tony wrote:Oh! managed to get my device no! The only defence I can offer is Gordon never said I needed the dac to be turned on!!
My excuse was ah feck it can't come up with a plausible one.

am not doing any more dev builds, but looks same as mine so uploaded dev gk.
Thanks kinda guessed that as both my boards are amanero.
It don't make any odds but both unloaded versions are avx2 I am guessing it is a typo
first upload failed, but then completed, only avx2 available.


Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:25 pm
by tony
Ok whatever one I downloaded worked fine. Wow! works great for me. much greater body and tone using 3.74. Switched to 3.72 and still excellent but just a little sharper and more focused (doesn't surprise me Aleg prefers 3.72). Will have to give it a blast on the ciunas as well.

Bill Evans Paris Concert piano sounds fantastic with this. Tried some St Vincent(complete other end of the spectrum) and really great. Definition,weight of body, detail and warm and full sounding. Best I have had. Looking at the speakers wondering what it would all sound like with stacked quads.


Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:54 pm
by jrling
sbgk wrote:
tony wrote:Oh! managed to get my device no! The only defence I can offer is Gordon never said I needed the dac to be turned on!!
My excuse was ah feck it can't come up with a plausible one.

am not doing any more dev builds, but looks same as mine so uploaded dev gk.
I feel like I was given the key to the sweetshop, but then it was taken away before I could get there!

From all reports, it was a great success. But of course, you could never do individual builds.

Do you have 'a cunning plan' to be able to get the device encoded programmatically for each user?



Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:42 pm
by tony
It is too much of a good thing Jonathan soundstage is now somewhere out in the hall!


Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 11:12 pm
by jrling
tony wrote:It is too much of a good thing Jonathan soundstage is now somewhere out in the hall!
You can't have too much of a good thing!! Except I can't have it!


Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 1:44 am
by sbgk
am working on a fix for the device name

came across a setting which I used to set via processlasoo and think it makes a difference

so uploaded control 3.75 and play 8.93 aa, gk and aleg versions

hopefully it gives better clarity, less harshness as well

maybe too smooth now, control 3.76 brings it back.

control 3.77 changes to critical priority for file load and changes to normal when load complete


Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 3:53 pm
by iori
hard coded 8.92 and 8.93 with control 3.74 had a clean and focused sound stage, even at loud massive passages.
Easily tempted to raise the listening volume and still feel very comfortable.



Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 4:16 pm
by TioFrancotirdor
iori wrote:hard coded 8.92 and 8.93 with control 3.74 had a clean and focused sound stage, even at loud massive passages.
Easily tempted to raise the listening volume and still feel very comfortable.

Yep. That is what I noticed also. Sound stage is huge! I just can't stand not raising the volume :)


Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:39 pm
by sbgk
no one tried 3.77 or 3.78 ?

3.78 - you'll need to close mqnplay manually


Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:54 pm
by Aleg
sbgk wrote:no one tried 3.77 or 3.78 ?

3.78 - you'll need to close mqnplay manually
3.78 much better than 3.77, more open sound.
Just damned inconvenient to have to cloe via taskmanager.

A bit too tired for much critical listening, but said difference is very clear.