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Re: Amplification

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 12:38 pm
by Diapason
Thanks Rocker. It's funny you should say that, because normally I find this stuff pretty frustrating, but I seem to be enjoying the process more this time. I think it's because everything is working pretty well, and it's all just different flavours of good. That's not my usual experience, I can tell you.

Of course (and this goes back to Tony's comment) it's way cheaper to dem different things than it is to actually buy something, and since my budget is still hovering around the 0 mark, I might try to keep this going for a while longer!!

Re: Amplification

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 7:13 pm
by Claus
It was a real pleasure to get to hear my amps in Simon's cave with the glorious sounding SF Elipsa speakers! They rendered everything with such a lifelike body and nuance, I was pretty well floored and just went home looking at my finances and trying to gauge how long it would take me to save up the dough... It is a great process when you have system that sounds so good and just need to pick a "flavour"! Enjoy!

Re: Amplification

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 2:49 pm
by DaveF
200 watts of valvey goodness. ... -amp-200w/



Re: Amplification

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 3:02 pm
by Diapason
LOL, funny you should say that, I found another amp for sale somewhere with some of those valves (Allnic maybe?) and spent a glorious afternoon reading about it and wondering "what if". At the end of the day, the constant threat of electrocution would probably put me off.

Edit: Not Allnic, it was NAT: ... itter.html and I was getting mixed up with a different valve.

Edit 2: Here's the one you REALLY want: ... magma.html

Re: Amplification

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 7:15 pm
by Fran

Bit mad alright!!! Whats funny is the little 6N1P sitting in the front!

Re: Amplification

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 7:16 pm
by Diapason
Hey Fran, happy birthday!

Re: Amplification

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 11:07 pm
by Fran

Re: Amplification

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 9:30 pm
by Ivor
I found myself out by Simon's on Friday and invited myself around shamelessly. I'm glad I did!

As a card carrying tree hugger I had to resist an affectionate embrace of this Sonus Faber speakers so I just crossed my legs and sat down. It was the Krell in situ and it did a fine job of controlling the big speakers, it was nicely balanced across the frequencies and seemed to have power to spare. We ran through a few of the usual test disks ( you can have three guesses!) Given that I brought a surplus copy of John Grant's "Pale Green Ghosts" on CD that came up first, followed by a obscure Shelby Lynn album and them some Oscar Peterson "request" or something. Joking aside all good familiar reference disks and all delivered with authority, detail and accuracy.

I wish Simon luck on his continued adventures in amplification, in ways I envy him that task but in others (it would be endless frustration in my case) less so.

Re: Amplification

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:54 pm
by Diapason
I've reached something of a decision, which is that the Krell KSA80 is going to come and stay for a while. Basically, it's a superb amp, I can listen to every kind of music on it and it sounds great, and I don't really see myself doing any better without reaching into a much higher price-point. There's a certain rightness to the Krell, it sounds of-a-piece, no glare, OODLES of control, and I simply enjoy listening to it. I could probably find more magical mid-ranges, sparklier treble, better imaging, etc., but as yet I haven't found them all in the same amp. The Krell does a great job of making me not worry about things, I don't find myself singling out certain areas for either excellence or disappointment, it just plays away, delivering music, heating the room and increasing my electricity bill.

Re: Amplification

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 5:30 pm
by nige2000