Lowlands wrote:For the looks of it (table) these TeraDak ATX PSU’s have a -12V rail (with little / no amps) and a 5VSB stand-by... Together with the usual suspects (12, 5, 3.3) that accounts for ATX compliant mobo power I presume (I read the -5V pin20 was abandoned in recent ATX spec). What remains is a separate 12V for the CPU (i presume). That makes 6 rails total. That implies no additional rails for OS and USB Card.....
nearly all new mobo dont use -12v
Assuming the 5VSB is always-on, would it be possible to use that to charge two 5V battery banks?
yes 5vsb is always on and you can charge several battery packs
One would then need a relay between batteries and OS / USB Card, that is triggered by one of the other (12v, 5v, 3.3v) rails....
either a relay or manual switches
Anyone done something like this? Any tips on what relay works (there’s a bunch on e-bay, no clue what is fit for purpose..?) and what rail to use as trigger...?
any rail can be used as a relay trigger
@nige: are there any suitable kits/aids for plugging those LifePo4 batteries in a case, or is duct tape** the way to go ?
all this is Diy stuff and your either just into it, or you want the best sq
i see several areas for noise cross talk on the teradak
but im terribly picky and the teradak is a great option if your not into diy
** or is it (rubber)duck tape (I dare not open up my Ciunas....) :)
JK has an audiophile Leprechaun sealed in every ciunas so best not let him out :)
you can buy the cells with tabs on them so the rest is a bit of solder jockeying