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Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 10:46 pm
by Steve
Would agree that Pre section in an integrated is probably not going to match a dedicated pre at a certain price point. Maybe good to consider trading/selling the integrated in favour of a dedicated pre to match the Primaluna? Go on sir, the glowing tubes are beckoning....

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 1:19 pm
by tony ... p?t=138122

Probably above where you want to go at the moment Jaybee but very rarely comes up and might be gone already. You could always borrow all those dodgy russian valves from Simon to do some tube rolling

Just noticed the same guy is also selling an ear yoshino integrated at a lower price. Very nice as well. ... p?t=138123

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:01 pm
by jaybee
Steve wrote:Would agree that Pre section in an integrated is probably not going to match a dedicated pre at a certain price point. Maybe good to consider trading/selling the integrated in favour of a dedicated pre to match the Primaluna? Go on sir, the glowing tubes are beckoning....
you're dead right, my reasoning was that a dedicated pre to be bought later is more likely to have a decent phono stage also?

I was fully convinced that integrated was the way forward, of course now.... not so sure!

if I have an integrated I'm going to need a phono stage anyway, so the box count could potentially be the same...

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:03 pm
by jaybee
tony wrote: ... p?t=138122

Probably above where you want to go at the moment Jaybee but very rarely comes up and might be gone already. You could always borrow all those dodgy russian valves from Simon to do some tube rolling

Just noticed the same guy is also selling an ear yoshino integrated at a lower price. Very nice as well. ... p?t=138123

get thee behind me....

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 4:08 pm
by Diapason
Alternatively, the same dude would seem to be selling this desirable piece of bling: ... -amplifier

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 6:45 pm
by tony
get thee behind me....[/quote]

Sorry Johnny can't resist when I see an amp I would love to have myself. Originally I was looking for a GM50 but couldn't find one last year(correction the only one for sale was €3.5k at least). It does show that it is hard to find a really good amp at a good price.They rarely come up. Saw a leben cs300 the other day at €12xx and it sold within a day or two.

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 7:14 pm
by jaybee
maybe you should go for the graaf....???

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 7:26 pm
by cybot
jaybee wrote:maybe you should go for the graaf....???
That's exactly what I thought! Tony you know it makes sense! But then again, maybe not :)

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 7:35 pm
by Diapason
Don't think tony needs an amp change. Not from where he is now, anyway.

Re: Preamp Experiences

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 8:04 pm
by tony
Actually i am thinking about buying an amp but it is not priced at £1850 sterling it is a Marantz PM80 Class A amp for €140 if all is well.
As Simon rightly points out I don't need the Graaf and certainly wouldn't be allowed buy it regardless of how much it interests me.

The marantz is a curiosity I have a feeling it will not be working right when I get to hear it and buying it even at that level I am a bit worried it could be a folly but will use it to power my avi positrons (in sons room) and to try out with the spendors.

Thanks for the kind thoughts Dermot/Johnny but no way hose the door is wide open for you to trot through the gate and snap up the graaf.