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Re: My devices on Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:05 pm
by jkeny
Ivor wrote:
jkeny wrote:Maybe, I'm feeling a bit hung-over after last night's wine? Don't know?
Ah now... it can't be that! ;)
Maybe I need another bottle - you have me hooked. I think I'll call you Doc Ivor now :)

Re: My devices on Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:10 pm
by Ken Moreland
O'Briens have a half price sale!

Re: My devices on Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:13 pm
by jkeny
I edited my earlier post but this may not have been seen

I'm taking on board what Diapson has said - this is the type of feedback I need.
What about I provide a USB stick with all software that's needed along with some test audio files both 16/44 & high-res?

Let me know if this is of interest? Just trying to clear the obstacles for people!

Re: My devices on Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:15 pm
by Diapason
Ivor's wines are surely hangover free...

John, I think the USB stick is a great idea. As you say, anything to clear the hurdles. Actually, I don't think I even have the right USB cable. I suck at the 21st century!

Re: My devices on Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:21 pm
by jkeny
Diapason wrote:Ivor's wines are surely hangover free...
Yes, I jest :)
John, I think the USB stick is a great idea. As you say, anything to clear the hurdles. Actually, I don't think I even have the right USB cable. I suck at the 21st century!
I already provide the correct USB cable & a direct USB connector for an alternative approach!

In fact when I provide a USB stick with the software & drivers on it all that will be needed to do is run setup on the USB stick, plug in the DAC, press play & listen.

If you then want to listen to your own CDs you can use the EAC software on USB to copy one or more of your CDs to disk. If you want to listen to other high-res files then you can look at downloading them.

Are there any other obstacles or help that I can provide?

Edit: any suggestions for albums or tracks to include on USB stick?

Re: My devices on Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:38 pm
by tony
Ah yes just had some more of ivors medicine and plugged in dac and its bliss. Ah so easy just cut and paste no searching for cd cases. Not sure if its the wine or the dac! Ivor sells very nice olive oil will probably have to have a salad with some of that tomorrow night and try again and must write a message to stay off the other stuff. Fergus I need your ears to confirm what I am hearing. Fergus you did say that you fancied a cyrus cd8se at some point?

Re: My devices on Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:48 pm
by fergus
tony wrote:Fergus I need your ears to confirm what I am hearing. Fergus you did say that you fancied a cyrus cd8se at some point?
I will definitely be in touch Tony!

Re: My devices on Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:16 pm
by Fran
Ah some of that aul shite wine outta ranelagh.....


I do think a lot will be of the mind that they wouldn't sign up unless they were seriously interested (i.e. thinking already of committing)...... whereas I think John's idea is much more of a "hey anyone want to try out computer audio?" without strings attached. Person gets to try out computer audio for free, John gets feedback. Costs nothing and everyone goes home happy...


Re: My devices on Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:37 pm
by jkeny
Exactly, Fran!!
No strings attached, no guilt!
All I asked was for people to post their impressions!

Re: My devices on Tour

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:48 pm
by Ivor
Fran wrote:Ah some of that aul shite wine outta ranelagh.....
Yer Barred!
