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Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:11 pm
by sbgk
nige2000 wrote:
jesuscheung wrote:
nige2000 wrote: still finding it a little smoothed out, fast piano, bass control and weight suffers
im sure it will come right yet

yes piano notes are mellow. need sharp and solid.

piano weight is fine. same as old wasapi mqn
bass doesnt have enough speed/agility in sharper bass notes,

fast piano one note smears into the next

likely all the same issue

wasapi still sounds livelier, clearer and more involving in the more challenging tracks
to me it's the most incredible sound I've heard.

How do you know your recording has sharp bass notes and clear piano, maybe that was an artifact of wasapi.

Think JK posted an article about lack of noise leading to less dynamic smoother sound.

Anyway there is still a bit of code to remove, if I can work it out.


Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:27 pm
by jesuscheung
the smooth sound is fine here. excellent texture. not liquid.
just that more mellow than solid.

to be honest, that wasapi has sharper more clarity in sound, but also has edges. good musical instruments has no edges. it is a jitter. could be OS's fault as well.

portaudio has no edges in treble. has potential more than wasapi if that bass can work out.


Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:32 pm
by nige2000
Oscar peterson ha ha
My one and only love
Some real nice fast piano in that

I know the noise that increases dynamics
It also looses bass control
A little boomy


Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:40 pm
by jesuscheung
nige, smooth sound could be because of your ram timing

5 5 5 14
try 6 6 6 17
texture will come. OS noise will come. maybe will then will you think of OS tweaking

i have listened for 5 5 5 for months, i know its effect for a ram rated at 1600mhz 9 9 9 24 2
smooth + good flow. but... potential is limited


Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:50 pm
by nige2000
Doesn't sound as smooth with wasapi
Will try ram timing
Too much tweaking without o's tweaks atm


Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 1:00 pm
by Octagon
Tested on Server 2012 R2 with AudioPhil's Optimizer
Mqncontrol 3.64, portaudio 38, mqnplay 1644 7.35 sse2
GUI: ok GUI full AO optimized: ok
Minimal server: ok Minimal server full AO optimized: ok
Core full AO optimized: not working

Mqnplay 1644 7.34 sse2 not playing on my setup.

I am careful commenting on sq, my ears need some time to get used to different setups. This process is a bit to fast for me ;) Sometimes better sounding has been recognized as worse in the beginning, didn't it? All I can say is, that with above combination, I recognize more details, clearer notes which supports more room with my test files. Listening to a contrabass with vibrating strings is amazing with this setup!



Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 1:15 pm
by John Dot
sbgk wrote: to me it's the most incredible sound I've heard.
Second that (sse2). There's nothing between me and the music. Incredible.


Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 1:23 pm
by nige2000
Octagon wrote:Tested on Server 2012 R2 with AudioPhil's Optimizer
Mqncontrol 3.64, portaudio 38, mqnplay 1644 7.35 sse2
GUI: ok GUI full AO optimized: ok
Minimal server: ok Minimal server full AO optimized: ok
Core full AO optimized: not working

Mqnplay 1644 7.34 sse2 not playing on my setup.

I am careful commenting on sq, my ears need some time to get used to different setups. This process is a bit to fast for me ;) Sometimes better sounding has been recognized as worse in the beginning, didn't it? All I can say is, that with above combination, I recognize more details, clearer notes which supports more room with my test files. Listening to a contrabass with vibrating strings is amazing with this setup!

No doubt all sounds great
Nothing about to touch mqn ks or wasapi for sq

Just a bit of a disease looking for faults
A lot of its been highly critical
A hair difference here and there
And finding the right tracks to hi light potential issues


Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 1:40 pm
by jrling
John Dot wrote:
sbgk wrote: to me it's the most incredible sound I've heard.
Second that (sse2). There's nothing between me and the music. Incredible.


Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 3:35 pm
by m.massimo
7.34 sse2 + 3.64 + pa38 not playing
7.35 sse2 + 3.64 + pa38 ok
The latter is really excellent. I'm surprised every time from the improvement.