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Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 8:50 pm
by Sligolad
nige2000 wrote:Pearce

what ultrasize are you achieving in single and streaming mode with 24/96 audio at 24 bitstream and drivebuffer =0 without glitches?
just trying to get a handle on whats achievable
Nige, I can always get 20 Ultrasize in streamer mode with direct connection for all audio up to 24/192 and all Bitstream settings.
Wit 24 and native in Bitstream I get white noise breaking out after listening to several tracks, I stop the track and restart and it is clear again for several more tracks.
Since switching to 32 bit I do not get any further white noise just the music stopping every 30 minutes to 1 hour, just stop the track and restart and I am good to go again.

I have not tested single PC yet, well down my list of priorities just now but may try it in the next week.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:12 pm
by tony
Well Pearse did you get to hear the lampizator? My understanding is this is circa $3500? Did Seb go for the eximus or is it a trial?

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:22 pm
by nige2000
Sligolad wrote:
nige2000 wrote:Pearce

what ultrasize are you achieving in single and streaming mode with 24/96 audio at 24 bitstream and drivebuffer =0 without glitches?
just trying to get a handle on whats achievable
Nige, I can always get 20 Ultrasize in streamer mode with direct connection for all audio up to 24/192 and all Bitstream settings.
Wit 24 and native in Bitstream I get white noise breaking out after listening to several tracks, I stop the track and restart and it is clear again for several more tracks.
Since switching to 32 bit I do not get any further white noise just the music stopping every 30 minutes to 1 hour, just stop the track and restart and I am good to go again.

I have not tested single PC yet, well down my list of priorities just now but may try it in the next week.
thanks for the reply

Josef suggested that the dac and or its driver would most likely to blame as he says:

"i can get US=20 with either high-specced AudioPC or lowly CoreDuo 6-year old dell laptop in singlePC mode: StreamerMode works fine with US=20 in that setup too so i suppose it has more to do with DAC driver…(TheSycon in this case)"

as my dac isnt capable of 32 bit(bitstream) its time for change of dac.

i dont feel too far behind as as i can play at 24 us at 24 bitstream with a small bit of white noise or more like a very soft crackle every now and again, and i play for listening at 30 because im sure there will be no issues.

its a shame Ken and i never thought to try lower settings than us=30 with the ciunas the other day we would have had a better idea of the pc's capability. ill have to wait till we meet up.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 10:08 pm
by Sligolad
tony wrote:Well Pearse did you get to hear the lampizator? My understanding is this is circa $3500? Did Seb go for the eximus or is it a trial?
The Lamp sounded good Tony but it was a 2.8 version one so a long way from the full Spec one I was thinking of, we agreed the Meitner had more to offer and this was more noticeable on top end. At least Maciej can get this DAC upgraded to whatever spec he wants when funds are available.

Seb has the Eximus on order so we will plan to have another listening session when he gets it.
It was an interesting day and both Seb and Maciej are well in to their music, we spent time listening to headphones and a headphone amp but we listened to a lot of music through the Quads for several enjoyable day in all.

We swapped loads of cables playing CDs which I have not done for some time through both DACs and plenty of JPlay as well.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 10:16 pm
by tony
The Lamp sounded good Tony but it was a 2.8 version one so a long way from the full Spec one I was thinking of, we agreed the Meitner had more to offer and this was more noticeable on top end. At least Maciej can get this DAC upgraded to whatever spec he wants when funds are available.

Seb has the Eximus on order so we will plan to have another listening session when he gets it.
It was an interesting day and both Seb and Maciej are well in to their music, we spent time listening to headphones and a headphone amp but we listened to a lot of music through the Quads for several enjoyable day in all.

We swapped loads of cables playing CDs which I have not done for some time through both DACs and plenty of JPlay as well.[/quote]

If that is the silver cayin that is my old headphone amp. Obviously Maciej and Seb are heavy into the headphones if he is going for the eximus.
It would be interesting to hear that alright as it did sound nice on the night but we heard it for such a short period and with all the other changes it was impossible to call it.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 10:46 pm
by jkeny
nige2000 wrote: thanks for the reply

Josef suggested that the dac and or its driver would most likely to blame as he says:

"i can get US=20 with either high-specced AudioPC or lowly CoreDuo 6-year old dell laptop in singlePC mode: StreamerMode works fine with US=20 in that setup too so i suppose it has more to do with DAC driver…(TheSycon in this case)"


its a shame Ken and i never thought to try lower settings than us=30 with the ciunas the other day we would have had a better idea of the pc's capability. ill have to wait till we meet up.
Yea, but the strange thing is, I'm using the Ciunas in my testing & I can't get anything near this figure (US=30) on my Netbook, NUC or MAC Air - in all cases it's been nearer 200 for stable playback. Something else is going on, I feel but I didn't want to push Josef as he seemed a bit defensive? As I said in that thread, we are having a meeting next week at which I hope we have a selection of PCs to check & DACs to rotate - it may reveal something, hopefully!

Edit: Ah I relented & posted the above question to Josef as he keeps ringing up the DAC driver as the issue which I feel could be incorrect analysis.

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:10 pm
by nige2000
i think we rattled him earlier wasn't my intention, its unfortunate the search is so poor on the jplay forum we wouldn't have to ask so many questions and having him repeat himself must get labour-some

whats the spec on the mac air, mine does us=35-40 1.8 ghz i5 4gb mid 2012

cant see why u cant get under 200 us
have you a install on a ssd?

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:18 pm
by jkeny
nige2000 wrote:i think we rattled him earlier wasn't my intention, its unfortunate the search is so poor on the jplay forum we wouldn't have to ask so many questions and having him repeat himself must get labour-some
Yea, I wrote to him privately as I thought that he was getting the hump
whats the spec on the mac air, mine does us=35-40 1.8 ghz i5 4gb mid 2012
I don't know, it wasn't mine, I just borrowed it to test out the Win8 WTG stick
cant see why u cant get under 200 us
have you a install on a ssd?
On the netbook, I'm booting from SSD, on the other systems it was WTG. I thought this too & bought a SSD & memory for the NUC. Delivered next week, hopefully

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:29 pm
by jkeny
Oops, Josef is coming a bit unstuck on Jplay with his statements. He seems to have taken the hump with my last question & now others are contradicting his statement that network card is needed for Jplay singlePC use?

Don't know what's going on but I suspect that he is burnt out from the intensive development & beta testing period. And now the added stress of the various questions from users which because of the new parameters are probably more voluminous. Maybe he should take a rest as he seems rather tetchy

Re: Build a dedicated Audio PC

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 11:37 pm
by tony
jkeny wrote:Oops, Josef is coming a bit unstuck on Jplay with his statements. He seems to have taken the hump with my last question & now others are contradicting his statement that network card is needed for Jplay singlePC use?

Don't know what's going on but I suspect that he is burnt out from the intensive development & beta testing period. And now the added stress of the various questions from users which because of the new parameters are probably more voluminous. Maybe he should take a rest as he seems rather tetchy
In this world genius is never appreciated once one pushes the boundaries and issues occur the peasants revolt. Sure just ask our genius politicians?

I was going to say something about the kettle and black but I am too nice

BTW I find it hard to understand how Josef can keep down a day job and answer all the queries/supply remote support at a moments notice and often answer stupid questions including many from me and somehow handle it all. He must be burnt out. Marcin needs to plug him out for a week!