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Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:20 pm
by tony
Yes working now but wonder was it the usual dumbo thing? i.e dll version needs to be ammended to dll!
On to the next stage, don't hold your breath!

Ok no sound for me but sure there is something obvious that I am not doing.
It is loading the file fine and looks like it will play but no music, will go back through the thread as I am not sure what variety of files should be loaded in. Probably a question for later but can we use the tasker batch file version set up by Aleg awhile ago?


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:18 am
by Aleg
tony wrote:... can we use the tasker batch file version set up by Aleg awhile ago?
Yes, stills works as usual.


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:20 am
by janh
Me: Win 8.1
Yes, portaudio v27 fixed it!
With: mqnplay1644 v.7.10 sse2, portaudio v27 normal and mqncontrol 3.62 or 3.64, Music is back.
I first had to run listwdmksdevices.exe, and change mqnparam.txt to correct value (here 0 for one dac, and 1 for my other dac.).
Thank you, sbgk.


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:46 pm
by nige2000
ok i got going too with avx2 ks

sounds ok
need clarity, detail, maybe theres a little noise in the code yet to come out


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 2:38 pm
by shoom
Hi All

Sorry for the late arrival as I’ve only just become aware of this player through conversation with Tony on another forum (Place Full of Morons).

I spent yesterday playing catch up working my way through some of the Wasapi files with varying degrees of success. Some worked and some did not.

One thing is sure.

I like what I hear very much indeed and as a long time user of Jplay I was not expecting much of an improvement in SQ. I was really quite surprise to find that Mqn sounds much better in my set up.

Smoother and more analogue sounding but still detail rich.

So I’ve pressed on and now have pretty much the same set up as Janh.

Windows 8.1 with mqnplay1644 v.7.10 sse2, portaudio v27 normal and mqncontrol 3.64.

I have a WAVEIO USB/I2S board and the above is working well and sounding great.

I must admit to usually preferring KS to Wasapi with Jplay and it seems to be the same with Mqn.

More body and tone to my ears.

Thanks for all of the development work done here already and a big thanks to sbgk for a top class player.

Great work Guys


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 3:55 pm
by m.massimo
I have barely listened to music in the last weeks, so I was still with 5.64 sse2. I just briefly played 1644 6.17 sse2 + 3.61 and it seemed very good.
Due to latest ks delivery by sbgk, I tried the most recent 1644 sse2 ks+pa today (7.10+3.64+pa27+mqnparam.txt -at 0 after checking with the .exe-, mqnload) and all works fine in my system.
After a brief critical listening, it seems to me that ks has raised the bar for quality level. Every aspect I analyzed is better confronted to previous sse2 generation (I cannot speak of avx/avx2). The sound is fuller and richer, transients are faster (i.e. percussions, piano included) and better defined. Excellent transparency and microdynamic. At the same input level, the sound seems louder (I checked with the scope, it's not).
Not listened to 2496 yet.


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 5:29 pm
by John Dot
New portaudio sse2 version works perfect with Taggart's MQnload.
Sound is more open and bit more detailed to me. Sounds great but lacks some old MQn magic.


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 5:54 pm
by satshanti
A quick report: I finally got KS to work with the latest PA and Control versions and ability to select my DAC as device 0.

As there is a 2496 version available, I skipped 1644 for now and pitted the latest KS sse2 versions against my most favourite hires MQN 3.39 avx. avx2 doesn't work for me, but my CPU doesn't support it, so maybe with KS it in fact shouldn't be able to play.

Running through my usual series of test tracks, with every single one the new 7.10 sse sounded best, something I wouldn't have believed possible. Once again, you did it, Gordon! As has been said above, everything is better, such a joy to listen to. Especially listening to some chamber music, not only do hoboes, trumpets, clarinets and violins sound much more like themselves, they can more easily be picked out of the tapestry of sound. Everything just sounds more real.

I noticed there are sse2 and avx2 versions. Are dedicated avx or "avx amd" versions also possible with KS? Or do things work differently with Kernel Streaming?


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 6:02 pm
by nige2000
7.10 ks avx2 lacks detail focus speed and agility maybe hf too
Does show some promise though
Anyone else hearing any of that?


Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:55 pm
by jrling
portaudio v27 brought my WaveIO to life. The C++ Runtime was not necessary.

Very good start for KS. Lots to like, especially high end micro detail and the stage seemed further back and wide. Bass though has lost that 6.17 magic.

Am confused whether I should be running MMCSS or not. I tried disabling it but Windows Audio is dependant on it running so that was a no go. Advice please Gordon.