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Re: MoBo Memory Power Bypass

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 8:44 pm
by nige2000
which mobo do you have?
with the pico bypass there is power going to the ram continuously

i assume it tries to boot then theres insignificant voltage to ram then fails then turns off ?

Re: MoBo Memory Power Bypass

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 9:02 pm
by goon-heaven
Gigabyte GA-H61M-DS2
std SMPS
Yeah - I figure not enough voltage to RAM.

Re: MoBo Memory Power Bypass

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 9:23 pm
by nige2000
well you could place a switch between green (power on) and gnd on your smps atx supply to manually power up the psu
then when over 1.3v or so has been reached on the ram turn pc on

Re: MoBo Memory Power Bypass

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 9:40 pm
by rickmcinnis
nige2000 wrote:I see on jplay you've abandoned diy and got the jcat USB stuff
There are so many things to do DIY that I took the lazy way out for this one.

I will be powering it with A123s so not completely turn-key.

I was swayed by the board having the "built-in" drivers since my OS will not allow installs and I am not interested in starting over YET again. And the SILVERSTONE needing some JAVA stuff to install their drivers. I thought I would make it easy on myself.

The thing is on the way - supposed to have it next week.

I am skeptical that such a thing can make a difference but love being proved foolish.

So, is your USB cable DIY or did you get that from someone? I am tempted to try the JCAT cable. My inclination is to use silver foil for the conductors but when I see you and JCAT using all of that stranded wire I figure there must be something to it.

Still do not see how how having a separate run for the +5 volts when WAVE IO is powered with its own supply can be better but the fellows over there assure me it does.

I am recent to the JPlay site and noticed that some of you were experimenting a few years ago with disconnecting your c: drives while playing music - and then the thread dropped off. I suspect you went on to MQN - can you do this with MQN? Purely academic question.

I know back in the cPLAY days I had discovered you could disconnect your music drive while playing music. Can't say I remember hearing any difference. More of a novelty than anything else. Before hotplugging so you would have to re-start which made it lose its appeal pretty quickly but it is interesting.

Still think SATADOM is the way to go for c: drive - get rid of the cable and the clutter. I had got a faster one (four channel?) that would not allow WINDOWS installation where the slow (single channel) one would but from reading what was said on that same thread I guess speed does not matter. Guess I should not have ordered the fast one to begin with - fours times as expensive.

Not sure which thread this message belongs in!

Seems like you would use a battery for memory power as Jack Wong did. Did not realize you had got this idea from Jack's post. One of the great audiophiles of all time. Wish he was back posting his thoughts and experiments. I have sent him numerous notes over the years and rarely get a reply. I think his work keeps him away from the hobby these days.

Certainly easier to use a 1.2 volts battery than squeezing some AC based supply in there.

I have never done this mod. Followed Jack's instructions for chips removal for many boards but never got around to this one.

Re: MoBo Memory Power Bypass

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 9:51 pm
by goon-heaven
Thanks for the suggestion..
but I think it is RAM voltage regulator that cant handle both RAM and charging a flat supercap. I see expected voltages elsewhere on MB, just too low across RAM cap.
I am thinking, with the LM338 supply (long awaiting delivery), I can pre-charge cap for 5minutes, then switch on power to RAM.
i.e. remove RAM choke, add LM338 with supercap across output leading to a switch to connect this supply to RAM.

I could do with charging this supercap up to see if MB will then boot, but nothing springs to mind...

Ahh... I have some Lab PSs driving my speaker field coils.. I will check if their output voltage will go down that low..

Re: MoBo Memory Power Bypass

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 10:03 pm
by nige2000
goon-heaven wrote:Thanks for the suggestion..
but I think it is RAM voltage regulator that cant handle both RAM and charging a flat supercap. I see expected voltages elsewhere on MB, just too low across RAM cap.
I am thinking, with the LM338 supply (long awaiting delivery), I can pre-charge cap for 5minutes, then switch on power to RAM.
i.e. remove RAM choke, add LM338 with supercap across output leading to a switch to connect this supply to RAM.

I could do with charging this supercap up to see if MB will then boot, but nothing springs to mind...

Ahh... I have some Lab PSs driving my speaker field coils.. I will check if their output voltage will go down that low..

not what i meant
if you turn on your psu manually it should start charging the cap then when it is charged you can turn pc on
then the switch between green and gnd can be disconnected for normal shutdown :)

Re: MoBo Memory Power Bypass

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 10:17 pm
by goon-heaven
Thanks nige for your patient explanation of your suggestion. I will give it a try - maybe tomorrow when I am less under the influence :)

Re: MoBo Memory Power Bypass

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 10:24 pm
by nige2000
rickmcinnis wrote:
nige2000 wrote:I see on jplay you've abandoned diy and got the jcat USB stuff
There are so many things to do DIY that I took the lazy way out for this one.

I will be powering it with A123s so not completely turn-key.

I was swayed by the board having the "built-in" drivers since my OS will not allow installs and I am not interested in starting over YET again. And the SILVERSTONE needing some JAVA stuff to install their drivers. I thought I would make it easy on myself.
thought i mentioned it before the silverstone and the jcat uses the same driver so you could install the jcat driver on the silverstone or visa versa
the 3.3 v on the jcat uses dirty pci power so best if you get 3.3vfrom elsewhere
The thing is on the way - supposed to have it next week.

I am skeptical that such a thing can make a difference but love being proved foolish.

So, is your USB cable DIY or did you get that from someone? I am tempted to try the JCAT cable. My inclination is to use silver foil for the conductors but when I see you and JCAT using all of that stranded wire I figure there must be something to it.
yea i make my own cables i like pure silver
usb cable is very important but tricky to get right with diy
id guess the jcat with the external power will be good
Still do not see how how having a separate run for the +5 volts when WAVE IO is powered with its own supply can be better but the fellows over there assure me it does.
you will not need to provide 5v to the jcat if your providing 5v to waveio
jcat works without and only requires 3.3 on the pcie
i do not like running +5v in the usb cable along side the signal wire
I am recent to the JPlay site and noticed that some of you were experimenting a few years ago with disconnecting your c: drives while playing music - and then the thread dropped off. I suspect you went on to MQN - can you do this with MQN? Purely academic question.
still an active member of jplay some good guys over there
I know back in the cPLAY days I had discovered you could disconnect your music drive while playing music. Can't say I remember hearing any difference. More of a novelty than anything else. Before hotplugging so you would have to re-start which made it lose its appeal pretty quickly but it is interesting.
makes a small difference depending on how bad the drive ps is

Seems like you would use a battery for memory power as Jack Wong did. Did not realize you had got this idea from Jack's post. One of the great audiophiles of all time. Wish he was back posting his thoughts and experiments. I have sent him numerous notes over the years and rarely get a reply. I think his work keeps him away from the hobby these days.
i assume a lot of this stuff originates with jack, if i remember he used AA batteries im not sure it will be fast enough due to the large current demands and dynamics might suffer

Re: MoBo Memory Power Bypass

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 10:44 pm
by nige2000
goon-heaven wrote:Thanks nige for your patient explanation of your suggestion. I will give it a try - maybe tomorrow when I am less under the influence :)

got the idea from this sort of thing

then it operates similar to picoless :)

Re: MoBo Memory Power Bypass

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 7:48 am
by goon-heaven
Excellent aid for taking small manageable steps from std ATX towards picoless LPS! Thanks Nige.