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Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:54 pm
by jesuscheung
----TWEAK 71----
realtek lan

disabled vs enabled
i am not happy at all!

1. realtek driver vs MS driver
more res + more jitter
less res + less jitter
hmm... either way sucks...

disabled vs

1. enabled + default settings
jitter level +3% (measured by digital strain, bloated, dirty etc)
quantity is kept

2. enabled + interrupt moderation set as false
jitter level +0.5%
quantity (mostly density, texture) -2 to -3%


apart from "interrupt moderation", every other setting must be default or SQ will drop.

3. disable it in bios
happy happy

Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 4:48 am
by internethandle
Yeah I have also resorted to disabling Realtek LAN in BIOS, easily best SQ, IMO. If I want to browse internet while doing critical listening, I just use a laptop.

Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 5:30 am
by jesuscheung
Redistributable libraries for Intel C++

update3 is out ...

worth trying
install and effective immediately. if don't like the sound, uninstall it.

i sometimes like it. sometimes don't. i do miss it from time to time.

Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 4:49 pm
by jesuscheung
actually, i am starting to see the benefit of disabling "interrupt moderation" in realtek lan. because jitter is less i can accommodate tweaks that weren't possible before. realtime priority is 5x more effective that it was. lost of resolution is restorable.

with "interrupt moderation" enabled, it injects dirty sound that is difficult to resolve.

internet latency improves too! browsing has better response

Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 12:44 pm
by jesuscheung
----TWEAK 72----
bcdedit ... 85%29.aspx

this little thing seems irrelevant but affects sounds a lot.
had been testing this for a long time. my description should be quite accurate.

for win7 and above

bcdedit /set usefirmwarepcisettings Yes
bcdedit /set nx AlwaysOff

-tightened timing. improve focus.
-if OS is strain, this will make more strain
-if OS lacks micro, you will experience air feeling with lack of texture.
-if you OS is like mind, without these, i shall have too much details -> bloated sounds -> quantity > quality

for win8 and above

bcdedit /set disabledynamictick on

-tighten timing. improve focus

bcdedit /set bootmenupolicy standard

-in win2012/R2, boot mode is different to win8.
-this boot mode improves focus. make sound more together.

bcdedit /set tscsyncpolicy Enhanced

-VERY INTERESTING. usually a tweak is either better or worse. correct or incorrect.
-this one is different.
-am using it. quite like it. more musical at the expense a few things. weight, balance are different. you have to listen to decide.

bcdedit /set disableelamdrivers yes

-redistribute sound frequency. more together.tidy. better focus. seems some detail is lost? actually the sound is should be more solid + richer.
-if your OS is spotlighted, this tweak will make it more spotlight.
-if your OS has 3D effect, this tweak will make more 3D.

bcdedit /deletevalue disableelamdrivers
bcdedit /deletevalue disabledynamictick
bcdedit /deletevalue bootmenupolicy
bcdedit /deletevalue usefirmwarepcisettings
bcdedit /deletevalue nx
bcdedit /deletevalue tscsyncpolicy

win8/8.1 users:
bcdedit /deletevalue bootmenupolicy
your boot mode is default to standard

Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 9:23 am
by jesuscheung

Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 12:52 pm
by jesuscheung
updated above tweak 72
bcdedit /set tscsyncpolicy Enhanced

excessive energy.

Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 4:42 pm
by jesuscheung
retested my ram bios setting:
my ram is rated at 1600Mhz 9-9-9-24-2

2000Mhz 11-11-11-30-2 still sounds great.
was at 1.54v.
changes to 1.545v.

0.005v is not small difference.
at 1.54v, a little dryer, however quantity in excess.
at 1.545v, mellow. watery. quality>quantity.
>=1.55v, not good.

never cease to amaze me how same tweak has different effect over time....

when first starting tweaking, ram timing at:
12-12-12 was best. my first impression was easily the most analog sound.
after OS was a little more optimized. details more. sound started to congest. blurry. stress kicked in.
11-11-11 became best.

10-10-10 was silky smooth.
today, am surprised at the quantity/details it can produce. is it higher quality than 11-11-11??
10-10-10 needs 1.56v to sound best.
shall see

my CPU setting is perfect. never once did i want to change it. thx to pkshan. just copied his settings. same frequency same voltage same CPU
only when i occasionally feels crazy wanting excessive quantity of bass for rock music, i start to oc CPU to 4.8Ghz.

no change in opinion. best timngs remain at:
2000Mhz (refined)
11-11-11-19 and 11-11-11-30, direct vs full resolution
800Mhz (raw)
6-6-6-11 and 6-6-6-17 for 800Mhz, direct vs full resolution

Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 3:25 pm
by jesuscheung
software update:

1. intel sata driver is out:
13.1.1052 >

briefly tried thought it sounded crap.

2. mpc xa6.20 avx is out:
SQ seems better. music presentation sounds like xa. main music is 100%. background music is quiet maybe slightly normalized. is this good for movies?
i use it because graphic renders a lot faster than vlc using my crappy graphic card. vlc handles certain wmv files better.

in win2012/R2, you need to enable the server-media-foundation from server manager to activate the "Enhanced Video Renderer" in mpc.

Re: JC Audiophile optimization on win7, 2012, and R2.

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 10:47 am
by jesuscheung
learnt a new testing method.

a lot of what i posted is wrong.

from CPU voltage to many little things

basically 1 in 10 things i said is wrong. lol

shall do a massive update. soon....