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Re: just a stage I'm going' through

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:48 pm
by cybot
Nice one too! May you enjoy Nirvana forever :-)

Re: just a stage I'm going' through

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 8:59 pm
by Ivor
I was wandering around the internet on some audiophile trail, I can't even remember what i was looking for now, and came across a few posts on Audiogon regarding the Einstein phono stage (which I've since bought from KronosAV incidentally) and the poster mention another subject which I believe in. Isolation. Now I already have the Einstein amp itself sitting on a few redeployed Black ravioli pads but this poster suggested the separate power supply benefited from a bit of isolation. I have a few Nordost Pulsar Points in a drawer so I placed 4 underneath the power supply and put an old fairly heavy bronze ornament on top. Well now.. even more detail and a soundstage that had even more space and depth.
I am continually surprised at how much of an improvement isolation can give the most unsuspected components for usually very little investment.

The Phono Stage itself is in situ for just over three weeks now and continues to improve every few days. Absolute bargain.