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Re: Munich hi end 2020

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 12:54 pm
by Steve
So I've literally just bought the 3 day pass, only really needing it for Fri and Sat, and then seen your post HiFi fan! Oh well, that'll serve me for not keeping up to date on the thread.. Hopefully another HiFi punter will take you up on the kind offer.

Very much looking forward to it now!

Re: Munich hi end 2020

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 8:53 pm
by HiFiFan
Hi Steve, Sorry to hear of the poor timing - that type of thing always seems to happen to me. Wish I could make the show, expect everyone will have a great time. I'll probably try make the RMAF this year instead. Yeah - hopefully someone will need tickets, hate to see them go to waste.

Re: Munich hi end 2020

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 9:33 pm
by Satrus
Just wondered if anybody has reconsidered the trip to Munich High End 2020 in light of the corona virus issue? Maybe I am being alarmist but unless the various authorities are successful in containing this, my annual trip to Munich is in doubt this year. I have attended every show since 2006 except when the Icelandic volcano prevented me from attending (2010 or 11 maybe, can't remember now). Hopefully, it won't come to this but spending 5 hours in an airplane is a breeding ground for all kinds of microbes ...

Re: Munich hi end 2020

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2020 11:22 pm
by Fran
485 people have died so far of NoCV - just to give scale, current estimates are that 5-10 million people worldwide are infected with flu each year, with up to 500,000 deaths - admittedly in the "flu season" of October to March. The vast majority of deaths from respiratory infections are in those over 65 with some other affliction....

I think its way too early to think that far ahead. On the positive side, most of these respiratory viruses tend to slow down in summer. On the other hand, this is a new virus with little info. Its a case of waiting and seeing I think..... If you are someone with medical complications - smoking, immunosuppressed, history of pneumonia etc then much more care is needed.

In a very nerdy way, its really interesting to watch the info come out as more work is done.

Re: Munich hi end 2020

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2020 10:28 am
by Adrian
I'd tend to agree with Fran there WRT numbers etc. Malaria kills far more each year etc.

I believe the N95 Mask is the only mask that will protect you from the virus. Well from what I have been told anyway.

If you / family have poor health, or are in the position not to be able to take extended time off work for health reasons then it might be better to reconsider travelling.

Numerous stories on the WWW of cruise ships being quarantined, travelers being denied entry etc

Hard to know where the truth lies with this version of Corona Virus, stories that it was stolen by Chinese expat scientists from a Canadian research bio lab a few years ago. Stories of Indian scientists who have discovered that this version of Corona has genetic material from HIV. Therefore it is man made, as it's too young to have combined with HIV naturally. Other stories that this virus has escaped from a Chinese bio weapons research facility in Wuhan and is now out of the bottle running wild!

We may never know for sure what the exact truth is, but it is a cause for worry. If it does break out in Ireland.... not sure how the Health system is going to cope?

Re: Munich hi end 2020

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:13 pm
by Satrus
This 'corona' virus issue seems to have gained momentum since my initial post. I read on RTE's teletext service a few days ago that SONY and one other major manufacturer has pulled out of an upcoming Mobile Telephone trade show in Barcelona. That is my rather 'sketchy' recollection of the item that RTE posted, at any rate. I think RTE also carried this story on its 6 and 9 pm News broadcasts.

May is still some months away but unless there is some big breakthrough on the containment of the spread of this virus, I think that the Munich show itself could be impacted? It is an international event in every sense of that expression and I can imagine some brands not turning up because of the risks involved. While it would be a huge disappointment for me to miss High End 2020, I am not sure if I want to take a risk on contracting something that has killed over 1,000 people already in China. I hope to continue enjoying my audio system for a good many years to come, touch wood!

I think I will contact the High End Society about this in the coming days. Unfortunately, Herr Glisovic has retired at this stage but I am sure somebody else will be able to provide details of current thinking/observations on the issue. If I get any helpful information/advice, I will post it here. I would usually have booked flights and hotels by now but am worried that I may not be able to get refunds if it is not a good idea to travel at the relevant time.

Re: Munich hi end 2020

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:21 pm
by Adrian
Hard to know where the truth lies, however I would imagine it would be safe to say that Chinese authorities are under reporting the numbers.

Hospitals can report figures, but if the hospitals are full, then the real figures would be much higher as people are ill / dying at home.

Articles in the FT today... pharmaceutical companies are getting worried, as China supplies a large % of raw ingredients for pharma drugs. If China remains in lock down.. then there could be a global shortage in many drugs, not to mention other things like parts for cars / electronics etc.

Does not look very clever for China to be making so much of the world's items..... does it?

Re: Munich hi end 2020

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2020 2:08 pm
by tony
Adrian wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:21 pm Does not look very clever for China to be making so much of the world's items..... does it?
If anything positive comes out of this nasty virus maybe a realisation that this needs to change asap

Re: Munich hi end 2020

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2020 1:47 pm
by Adrian
tony wrote: Thu Feb 13, 2020 2:08 pm
Adrian wrote: Wed Feb 12, 2020 12:21 pm Does not look very clever for China to be making so much of the world's items..... does it?
If anything positive comes out of this nasty virus maybe a realisation that this needs to change asap
Totally agree there Tony, Just spoke to my local pharmacist and they told me they already have a shortage in some drugs / meds due to the lockdown in China.

It does not help either that the Chinese spit a lot, an awful lot. Almost a national sport at how deep / vocal one can clear their chest / throat. This of course aids in the spreading of TB and other lung diseases etc

Re: Munich hi end 2020

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:38 pm
by hudo
Show is cancelled:(