Thanks, seetoyou.
Would the ignore thing make his posts disappear from my browser?
I do not know why I responded. I wish I would ignore him. It is always the same old thing. Even though I think I cajoled some new nonsense from him. My favorite "ninety years of settled science" - I have no idea what he meant by that.
I used to be a big fan of Gigabyte boards since cics thought highly of them but what I have got from them recently is not good. Short lived, etc. MSI boards are pretty good but my FAVORITE is ASROCK - they did not have one with 2 PS2 ports that suited me. Most had too much extra stuff. ASROCK has the best BIOS of the boards I have used recently.
I will have to explore your ripping posts in detail.
I must say my approach to audio is diametrically opposed to the fellow who wrote BUGHEAD EMPEROR. I think he is going in the wrong direction WAY too much code. Does not appeal to me aesthetically.
Most adapters mean more drivers. I did not yet look at your links. So at this point I do not understand your point.
One thing I liked about the SATA SD writer was no drivers. The pcie one needed a huge file for the driver. Glad I destroyed it at this point. I might never have tried the SATA one otherwise.
Had no idea there was a 13 W CPU. But you must consider that the 4130t running at 0.144 volt. That is miniscule wattage.
Whatever they do to one of the newer versions of windows is never going to get it close to 31 mB in total size. dBpoweramp is a 32 bits program so why go for added complication for no reason whatsoever.
Using the dBpoweramp cdgrab.exe as a shell, and that has been minimized using PE Explorer. I would worry you wold still need a shell to get to command prompt, otherwise.
My home email address is
Send me an email and I will send you the SNAPSHOT image of what I am using. It is only 17.6 mB. It can go by mail.
You will need to download DRIVE SNAPSHOT which is a great program. He will let you use it for free for a couple of weeks.
You will need to make a 2100 mB FAT32 partition on an old SSD since you cannot install XP on one much smaller. You will need to download nLite. You take out EVERYTHING except for about 6 things. I need to get that list to you.
But once this installs (takes about ten minutes even with a CD) you copy the image onto this partition and it should come right up. You might have to fiddle around if you are using a different CD-ROM drive and your destination for the files might need changing.
I recommend using a motherboard with nothing else connected other than the OS disks (I use two, one for copying and one for ripping) the MUSIC disk. Of course, there is the CD-ROM drive. I recommend using an old video card since this removes the video duty from the CPU. I am using an OPTIMA battery for P4 and the video card.
I assume you are comfortable with playing with the registry. You might need to do this. Of course, you will need a host machine, in my case the copy machine, for doing this.
The SATA SD writer is very important and very cheap.
Let me know if you are interested. Send me a note.
Randy T is going to give it a try since he was the one who inspired the project!
I need some folks to try it and verify whether what I am hearing is real or a very satisfying placebo. I am very confident it is not a placebo.