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Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:56 pm
by Diapason
Looking forward to your thoughts, but it sounds like a success already.

FWIW I didn't see huge fluctuation of mains voltage at home (generally 220-235, very occasionally outside of that) but I became convinced that the lower end of the range coincided with periods of high demand and hence "dirtier" mains. This could all be in my head of course, but as I said earlier in the thread, at least I don't hear these variations any more.

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:32 pm
by DaveF
I'm getting the same fizzing sound from the unit as you did Simon when I have the Jadis connected to it. It's quite low and appears to be coming from the rear where the fans are but I cant be certain. I only noticed it about an hour into the session and when I turned the fans down very low. I'm sure if I moved the unit around I probably wouldnt notice it at all.
When I turned the Jadis from on to standby mode the fizzing sound immediately stopped and the unit is silent.
Not sure if this is normal or if the unit is expected to do this above a certain power draw. The load with the amp, CDP and TT on the unit is only 33%. Temp is 35 degrees so nothing out of the ordinary there.

As for the sound quality, I believe I'm noticing an improvement in CD playback but not much difference from vinyl.

Not sure what to do now. I will probably send them email but going on Simon's experience there is probably not much they can do.

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 5:57 pm
by Diapason
That's very odd. Wonder what's going on there? Definitely send an email, let me know what they say.

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:01 pm
by Ivor
DaveF wrote:the load with the amp, CDP and TT on the unit is only 33%. Temp is 35 degrees so nothing out of the ordinary there.

I can't help a historic curiosity... have you tried the speakers through it?

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:14 pm
by DaveF
Ivor wrote:I can't help a historic curiosity... have you tried the speakers through it?
The Quads are too far away from the unit where the rest of the gear is. I think the Quads only need power to keep the panels charged so probably not as critical as say the power required by the amps/sources.

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:17 pm
by Ivor
DaveF wrote:
Ivor wrote:I can't help a historic curiosity... have you tried the speakers through it?
The Quads are too far away from the unit where the rest of the gear is. I think the Quads only need power to keep the panels charged so probably not as critical as say the power required by the amps/sources.
Yes but I have found that better power cords gave an improved sound. Yes I know, given the speaker's design, that it's completely illogical but there ye go... just curious.

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:38 pm
by DaveF
If I had a long power extension and could keep it tidy looking I'd power the Quads off it alright. (Two 7 metre Odin power chords anyone?)
For now I'm going to power the Jadis off the wall and leave the rest on the unit and see how things go.
If I'm told via PowerInspired that the fizzing sound indicates something abnormal then I'll most likely return the unit and perhaps replace it with the 500watt unit.

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:56 pm
by DaveF
So this evening I tried another experiment where I just had the Jadis on the unit and the CDP connected to the wall. All TT related stuff disconnected. The 6-way Russ Andrews block also not in use this time.

After the initial 5 mins or so of letting the amp come up to temperature I starting playing music. Very low at first and then after a couple of mins I brought it up to normal listening volume. The regen unit was totally silent during this time. However after about 10-15mins I began to notice the fuzzing sound and it grew a little louder as time went by. It's not quite as loud as yesterday though and perhaps not as intrusive. Maybe this is because the CDP or TT is not connected to it thus reducing the load.
It would appear that the fuzzing noise seems to conincide with the amp warming up during the first 30mins. Maybe its something to with the valves or tranny's heating up and in turn putting something back on the line.

Power Inspired have no definite explanation yet. They suggested that the amp might be drawing a very high peak current from time to time and that it might be above what the average current that the regen unit can supply. I think Simon got a similar explaination before but his toaster experiment also yields the same result.

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:32 pm
by DaveF
So this morning I got the same fizzing noise as 2 days ago with everything plugged into the AG unit. I then turn off the amp, the noise stopped. Brought the toaster over and plugged it in and turned it on. The fizzing returned and then when I popped up the toaster the fizzing stopped. So its not amp related. Seems to happen more as the load increases but I'm hardly even going over 500watts.
Really frustrating. Seems that myself and Simon are the only ones with this issue on the 1500 unit.

Re: Power Inspired AC Regenerator

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 3:32 pm
by Adrian
Hmmmmmm......... curious.

So lets do a slight recap.... the AG1500 supplies 1500 watts, at 240V... should be around 6.25 amperes.

What is the power of the toaster? And what is the power of the Jadis DA88S unit?

Maybe you could try increasing the load, i.e. Jadis and toaster?

Perhaps there is a sweet spot where the PI 1500 works best .... lets say 800 watts and higher?

If you were to increase the load... does the hum / fizzing increase or increase and then start to decrease?