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Re: Quad ESL 57 speakers

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:05 am
by Diapason
My thoughts on that will follow in due course!

(I don't think I've ever heard smaller Martin Logans sound really well, they always sound glassy to me, but that's under show conditions where electrostatics especially can't be trusted. Of course, my memory is that the CLS IIz provided some of the best sounds I've ever heard, and that Quads aren't at that level.)

Re: Quad ESL 57 speakers

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:14 am
by DaveF
Looking forward to your thoughts on the ESL57 vs Kharmas.

Diapason wrote: I don't think I've ever heard smaller Martin Logans sound really well, they always sound glassy to me, but that's under show conditions where electrostatics especially can't be trusted.
I think the worst sound I've ever heard were a pair of large Martin Logons driven my some Audio Research amps at the hifi show last November. All very pricey stuff too but the sound had an ear piercing treble that was near unbearable. That said I heard the smaller Logons in Cloney's recently being driven by a Classe amp. A far better match but wasnt really the sound for me.

Re: Quad ESL 57 speakers

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:54 pm
by Ivor
I'd agree on the Martin Logans. Awful things generally. It's not just the harshness but also incompatibility of the ranges - the built in sub simply did it's own thing. I'm sure if set up correctly they would sound great but I've heard them several times (admittedly at shows) and they've been the worst speakers I've ever heard.

Si, try listening to "Joshua Judges Ruth" on the 57s.

Re: Quad ESL 57 speakers

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:04 pm
by jaybee
you could listen to that on a tin can and it'd sound good!!