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Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 1:32 pm
by nige2000
lekt wrote:hi JC,
recompiled ... sp=sharing
are you use WS2012, my OS Win8Pro. maybe bad compile.
i know peoples thinking varies between countries,
but in western europe posting your player on the MQn thread would be deemed to be in bad taste,
Would have been better if youd asked sbgk permission first,
assuming that you havent copied his work,

ive enjoyed your posts in the past over at CA
hopefully will continue to do so

Were only a few days here,
i think we got some real good people here that can do some good work on this,
we dont need to be falling out


Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 1:43 pm
by sbgk
mick wrote:To get back to what we are supposed to be discussing.
I got Mqn latest version up and running on my dedicated PC audio ( big thanks to Nige )and it is without doubt the best digital replay of music I have heard.
Everything is improved, power,weight,presence,soundstage,detail all the little nuances that make a performance come to life. The lipping on the reed of a saxophone ,the way a singer breathes, the delicate way symbals are struck.
It is amazing the way changes to digital processing on a PC can effect the sound quality. Bits is bits my asre.
I would like to thank sbgk for the effort he has put into this project so far. It has transformed the way I listen to music.
great, currently think 2.59 8 4 16 16 8 is the best version, have you tried that one.

People ask what the methodology of MQn is, it is -

load file into memory - render file to audio device

the only difference between MQn and other players is that it has been stripped down to the bare bones (well as much as a Win exe allows) , uses the most up to date and effective instructions available and has been highly tuned and optimised for SQ at every stage.

It has been tested for bit perfectness and passed

The outstanding questions are can these techniques be used in other players ? Given the popularity of KS would a KS MQn sound better ? What would a linux MQn sound like ?

It looks like with Win 8.1 that WASAPI is very much at the heart of the audio engine, so MQn is in a good place to benefit from any improvements Win 8.1 brings.


Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 1:50 pm
by nige2000
listened to 2.59 8 4 16 16 8 last night,
but i have not compared it to others so dont want to comment too much
its easily up there with the best of them
will compare to the 2.6's later


Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 1:54 pm
by tony
your post proves that progress is never ending and occurs at a mad pace.

Your player sounds so good I gave up very quickly on Jplay streaming and all recommended versions after 2.44 or thereabouts have sounded fantastic to me.

Glad i didn't rush out and get rid of my lan cable etc. As a 'basic' player if KS can bring more that would be enough for me. The gorgeous gui I find distracting. Straight forward copying and pasting with command prompt display is all that is required.


Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 1:58 pm
by Ivor
mick wrote:To get back to what we are supposed to be discussing.
I got Mqn latest version up and running on my dedicated PC audio ( big thanks to Nige )and it is without doubt the best digital replay of music I have heard.
Everything is improved, power,weight,presence,soundstage,detail all the little nuances that make a performance come to life. The lipping on the reed of a saxophone ,the way a singer breathes, the delicate way symbals are struck.
It is amazing the way changes to digital processing on a PC can effect the sound quality. Bits is bits my asre.
I would like to thank sbgk for the effort he has put into this project so far. It has transformed the way I listen to music.

well said Mick.


Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:01 pm
by Peter Stockwell
tony wrote: Glad i didn't rush out and get rid of my lan cable etc. As a 'basic' player if KS can bring more that would be enough for me. The gorgeous gui I find distracting. Straight forward copying and pasting with command prompt display is all that is required.
A gui would be nice though. I find that it takes too long (Let's say an album's worth of tunes from the NAS) to load, to be a real winner. TBH, I'm not yet convinced it's any better than JRiver MC19 when JRiver is fed the same files. JRiver runs faster, probably because it loads one song at a time into memory.

Haven't done other tweaks, like Wondows server, yet.
mick wrote:Everything is improved, power,weight,presence,soundstage,detail all the little nuances that make a performance come to life. The lipping on the reed of a saxophone ,the way a singer breathes, the delicate way symbals are struck.
However, those are the terms I would use if I was going to describe, what I may have heard, the other day. My feeling is that improvement, if it's there, is in those details.


Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:04 pm
by sbgk
tony wrote:your post proves that progress is never ending and occurs at a mad pace.

Your player sounds so good I gave up very quickly on Jplay streaming and all recommended versions after 2.44 or thereabouts have sounded fantastic to me.

Glad i didn't rush out and get rid of my lan cable etc. As a 'basic' player if KS can bring more that would be enough for me. The gorgeous gui I find distracting. Straight forward copying and pasting with command prompt display is all that is required.
yes, no where does it say this is a finished player, so concerns about guis are misplaced at this stage.

Having seen players with poor guis my inclination is to integrate MQn with Foobar2000 which I have had running on Win 8, some JRMC users say they are copy and pasting using hotkeys/function keys. Taggart is going to try remote control, foobar2000 has remote as well, haven't tried it.

Whenever I have compared KS/ASIO/WASAPI I have found ASIO/WASAPI to be superior and have not really like ASIO on a long term test due to a digital sound although the perceived detail seems to be highest.


Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:07 pm
by tony
Peter running 2012 R2 and I have got a beta copy of audiophils optimiser to add to the mix hopefully later today MQn is in another planet compared to jplay streaming using ultrastream.

SQ I would sincerely doubt comes anywhere near MQn. I don't use Jriver as the itunes look and feel is unimportant to me. I can see how a lot of punters enjoy that presentation.

For me whatever gives the best SQ within the bounds of what is reasonable to implement and afford is all I care about

Remote control for me has been partially solved by using a long vga cable and wireless mouse.
Unfortunately the cheapo wireless keyboard doesnt work with 2012. But that will be revisited and a better one got. Of course by then Sbgk will have integrated MQn into foobar and render another hifi purchase to the bottom drawer!


Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:14 pm
by sbgk
Peter Stockwell wrote:
tony wrote: Glad i didn't rush out and get rid of my lan cable etc. As a 'basic' player if KS can bring more that would be enough for me. The gorgeous gui I find distracting. Straight forward copying and pasting with command prompt display is all that is required.
A gui would be nice though. I find that it takes too long (Let's say an album's worth of tunes from the NAS) to load, to be a real winner. TBH, I'm not yet convinced it's any better than JRiver MC19 when JRiver is fed the same files. JRiver runs faster, probably because it loads one song at a time into memory.

Haven't done other tweaks, like Wondows server, yet.
mick wrote:Everything is improved, power,weight,presence,soundstage,detail all the little nuances that make a performance come to life. The lipping on the reed of a saxophone ,the way a singer breathes, the delicate way symbals are struck.
However, those are the terms I would use if I was going to describe, what I may have heard, the other day. My feeling is that improvement, if it's there, is in those details.
it's horses for courses, not everyone is going to hear a difference or care about the differences, but it shows what is possible.


Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:38 pm
by cvrle59
"I'm not yet convinced it's any better than JRiver MC19 when JRiver is fed the same files".
I am surprised Peter with this statement, without any desire to argue too much on it, we all hear things different.
I would like to know what DAC/Amplification/Speakers you have hooked up to your computer.
I do have MC19 too, and Naim DAC-V1/Nap100/Harbeth P3ESR's. To me the difference is obvious, and I'm not even thinking to go back and listen JRiver, but I do use GUI to locate music in it.
It may only happen for playing music in the background when I'm doing something else. It is easy to create long playlists, plus I can use remote control to skip back and forth between the tacks.
For any critical listening, MQn is the only choice from now on, until something better comes around.