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Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 8:13 pm
by cybot
fergus wrote:
cybot wrote:[quote="DaveF]Nice one Dermot. Think I'll be paying a visit to Freebird this evening so! :-)
Oh no! I'll be getting another lecture from Fergus :-(

One cannot fault your enthusiam Dermot....keep it up!![/quote][/quote][/quote]

Aw, that's nice :-)

Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 8:29 pm
by DaveF
picked up this cracker on vinyl this evening.


Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 10:06 pm
by cybot
DaveF wrote:picked up this cracker on vinyl this evening.

Classic :-)

Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 10:24 pm
by Ivor
DaveF wrote:picked up this cracker on vinyl this evening.
One of my favourite albums ever, mainly for nostalgic reason at this stage!
I picked up a second hand US copy of this in Caroline Records about 1976 - it must have been fairly new I guess. As was the custom at the time I later sold it to buy something else and that was that for a long time. Around the mid 1990s it first came out on CD and I was a busy magazine music critic at the time so could ring the record company and plead for a copy. Not so simple. "We didn't think anybody would be interested in this so we only brought in 2 copies". "Ok" says I waiting for the next bit. "One went straight to John Clarke in RTE... and we can't find the other one. My heart sank. Anyway....
years later I was talking to mate of mine who had worked in said record company (in the middle of a live radio show we were doing) and I mentioned the Live at the Fillmore CD... "Oh I grabbed that!" he confessed. In fairness to him a few days later he handed it to me saying I'd enjoy it more than he ever would (which was true!).

the idea of it on vinyl does appeal. Nostalgia?

Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 2:01 am
by cybot
Absolutely love stories like that. Keep them coming Ivor :-) BTW who was the one 'star' who disappointed you when you actually me him/her in person? Sorry you're probably fed up hearing that question at this stage...We'd love the story anyway :-)

Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 4:30 pm
by DaveF
seen this one get a mention or two here recently and so took a gamble on it.


spent ages trying to decide between this one and Live in New York.


Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:21 am
by Ivor
cybot wrote: BTW who was the one 'star' who disappointed you when you actually me him/her in person?
I don't tend to meet "stars" as such. Just ordinary people who make music. Most of them are sound. Sometimes artists don't particularly like doing the publicity thing - a conveyor belt of journalists asking the same predictable questions. I can't say I blame them. Then you get artists (and hacks) who are tired and grumpy and then you get near legends who are just so cool and comfortable with themselves you just have to admire them.

Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 5:36 pm
by cybot
Ivor wrote:
cybot wrote: BTW who was the one 'star' who disappointed you when you actually me him/her in person?
I don't tend to meet "stars" as such. Just ordinary people who make music. Most of them are sound. Sometimes artists don't particularly like doing the publicity thing - a conveyor belt of journalists asking the same predictable questions. I can't say I blame them. Then you get artists (and hacks) who are tired and grumpy and then you get near legends who are just so cool and comfortable with themselves you just have to admire them.
Just seeing this now...'Ordinary people who make music' - that's as good a description I've come across in a while :-)

Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:21 pm
by Ivor
cybot wrote:Just seeing this now...'Ordinary people who make music' - that's as good a description I've come across in a while :-)
Those are the ones that interest me the most. Yes some did disappoint but they were usually on the tiring PR trail and showed more patience than I probably would if faced with a day of inane questions from journalists, fawners and chancers.

Re: What music did you buy/get in the post today?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:48 pm
by DaveF
Triple Vinyl set.
