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Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:12 pm
by sbgk
uploaded 3.27 sse2 and avx, very analogue like, musical, sweet

has anyone done an sse2 vs avx comparison ?


Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:30 pm
by nige2000
sbgk wrote: has anyone done an sse2 vs avx comparison ?
Avx is much much better

He he he he

Yes it's getting funny
No one wants to be left with an sse2 me thinks


Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:42 pm
by tony
Yeah your right Nigel sse2 is so last year.

avx3.27 loaded up and working away very nicely. Will have a pop at the sse2 shortly.


Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 10:22 pm
by tony
I like both for different reasons. Can I have multiple versions of both so I can just confirm they are great on hires stuff?


Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 9:57 am
by Clive
I don't know if others have the same problem as myself getting MQn running consistently. At last I've figured it out (well, I hope so). It seems that with the basic W8.1 (ie not Pro or Enterprise) it's not possible to have an account you create run in elevated mode. There's a registry setting that looks like it should do it but it doesn't fully stick for some reason (it's changed from W7). The solution I've used is to enable the Administrator account that comes with W8.1 (it's disabled as standard). The Administrator account always runs elevated. I fully seem to have MQn running reliably (for now!).

In a while I'll finally be able to compare the two versions of 3.27.

Here's a special thanks to Aleg for his patience and support!


Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:28 am
by jesuscheung
Clive wrote:I don't know if others have the same problem as myself getting MQn running consistently. At last I've figured it out (well, I hope so). It seems that with the basic W8.1 (ie not Pro or Enterprise) it's not possible to have an account you create run in elevated mode. There's a registry setting that looks like it should do it but it doesn't fully stick for some reason (it's changed from W7). The solution I've used is to enable the Administrator account that comes with W8.1 (it's disabled as standard). The Administrator account always runs elevated. I fully seem to have MQn running reliably (for now!).

In a while I'll finally be able to compare the two versions of 3.27.

Here's a special thanks to Aleg for his patience and support!
i find better SQ with using "local account" when first time installing 8.1.

as soon as "microsoft account" is used, it activates a lot of 'useful' features.
maybe you were using "microsoft account"?


Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:35 am
by jesuscheung
actually, i have a strong feeling NOT activating win8.1 gives better SQ.

because not activating win8.1 microsoft won't let you experience all the metro.


Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:42 am
by Clive
I was using a Microsoft account and I expect you're correct....

Now more frustration! After playing 2 albums it's stopped working again. No errors, just no lock with the dac as before. It's as though windows sees a problem with what I'm doing and "fixes" it. There's no app crash, it's looks like it's playing but it isn't and the time the track should end MQn still looks as though it's running.


Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 11:25 am
by jesuscheung
3.27 sounds great. need more vocal depth. maybe need more depth in drum too.
didn't detect much issues.

sse version has much better paddling in piano terms. AVX version always lacks it
(in the other words, sse has better atmosphere. AVX feels like a performance in quiet studio or something)

AVX has a little better flow as always.


Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 12:17 pm
by Clive
Clive wrote: Now more frustration! After playing 2 albums it's stopped working again. No errors, just no lock with the dac as before. It's as though windows sees a problem with what I'm doing and "fixes" it. There's no app crash, it's looks like it's playing but it isn't and the time the track should end MQn still looks as though it's running.
It seems that however I have EnableLUA set I have to toggle it to the reverse setting and reboot to get MQn working again. I can play a couple of albums then Windows resets a security policy preventing MQn from operating - this beggars belief.

Could the Windows Action Cente bee messing with me? It nags about the firewall, anti-virus etc. As the machine is not on the net I have these turned off but I wonder if it's doing something sneaky.