Page 327 of 804


Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:03 pm
by darkpink
now mqn.bat dont work at all, window just flashes then terminates. quite frustrating when you know avx is just a bit better. just have to try some more then


Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:19 pm
by tony
darkpink wrote:now mqn.bat dont work at all, window just flashes then terminates. quite frustrating when you know avx is just a bit better. just have to try some more then
You are probably on a sticky wicket if I am trying to help you but did you download a new mqn.bat file from the google drive?
Copy it into the mqn files you outlined above and edit the C: line as described above

What is your set up?


Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:33 pm
by darkpink
I have a HDplex i3 haswell, PPA-SSD, Asus B85m-g on WS2012 , just odd that it worked one time but not after reboot. Downloaded new mqn.bat from drive, how does the 3.14 avx sound?


Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 11:56 pm
by tony
darkpink wrote:I have a HDplex i3 haswell, PPA-SSD, Asus B85m-g on WS2012 , just odd that it worked one time but not after reboot. Downloaded new mqn.bat from drive, how does the 3.14 avx sound?
Too late tonight for me to test but yours should definitely work I don't believe the asus board should be a problem.You have haswell unless 2012 is the prob. But if it played once that shouldn't be the issue unless you were mistaken it has happened to a lot of us.


Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 12:52 am
by sbgk

Tip: Styles can be applied quickly to selected text.

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 7:33 am
by Aleg
darkpink wrote:I have a HDplex i3 haswell, PPA-SSD, Asus B85m-g on WS2012 , just odd that it worked one time but not after reboot. Downloaded new mqn.bat from drive, how does the 3.14 avx sound?
3.14 avx is just great.
A bit, just a Tiny bit, more mellow than the previous avx which might make it better suited for some/many ;-)

Just an overview of my setup:

Standard Contents of my mqn-directory for avx or sse:

Into this I copy:
mqncontrol.exe (from the 2.97-zip)
mqnplay1644.exe 24 bit 3.14 avx.14 avx.14 avx

And rename the last one to

Set the checkbox for "Run as Administrator" on the properties/compatibility tab for both mqncontrol.exe and mqnplay1644.exe and don't forget to save that setting.

Just hit mqn.bat

Contents of my mqn.bat

Code: Select all

@echo off

set rundir=%cd%
rem echo %rundir%
rem pause

Title MQn - Just good music 

taskkill /fi "PID gt 0" /IM mqnplay.exe /F >nul
taskkill /fi "PID gt 0" /IM mqncontrol.exe /F >nul

rem net stop "Desktop Window Manager Session Manager"
del %rundir%\Files.txt /q
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('CHCP') DO FOR %%B IN (%%~A) DO SET CodePage=%%B
rem chcp 65001 
paste > %rundir%\param.txt
rem echo off
rem file
for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort %rundir%\param.txt ^| FIND /I ".wav"`) do echo %%i >> %rundir%\File1.txt
if exist %rundir%\file1.txt goto :crlf
rem folder
for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort %rundir%\param.txt`) DO for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b "%%i\*.wav"') do echo %%i\%%f >> %rundir%\File1.txt
rem remove cr/lf from last line
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set "firstLineReady="
    for /F "eol=$ delims=" %%a in (File1.txt) DO (
        if defined firstLineReady (echo()
        set "firstLineReady=1"
        <nul set /p "=%%a"
) > %rundir%\Files.txt"
del %rundir%\File1.txt /q
rem CHCP %CodePage% 
set TIMESTAMP=%TIME:~0,2%:%TIME:~3,2%:%TIME:~6,2%
echo %rundir%
echo Playback commenced - %timestamp%
for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort %rundir%\Files.txt`) do echo %%~ni
rem lets play music
%rundir%\MQncontrol --file "%rundir%\Files.txt"
@echo on

For those using tasker to set affinity and priority (and clockrate if you like it) I have made a slightly different mqn-aff.bat

I put tasker.exe in C:\

Code: Select all

@echo off

set rundir=%cd%
rem echo %rundir%
rem pause

Title MQn - Just good music 

taskkill /fi "PID gt 0" /IM mqnplay.exe /F >nul
taskkill /fi "PID gt 0" /IM mqncontrol.exe /F >nul

rem net stop "Desktop Window Manager Session Manager"

del %rundir%\Files.txt /q

FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('CHCP') DO FOR %%B IN (%%~A) DO SET CodePage=%%B

rem chcp 65001 

paste > %rundir%\param.txt

rem echo off

rem file

for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort %rundir%\param.txt ^| FIND /I ".wav"`) do echo %%i >> %rundir%\File1.txt

if exist %rundir%\file1.txt goto :crlf

rem folder

for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort %rundir%\param.txt`) DO for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b "%%i\*.wav"') do echo %%i\%%f >> %rundir%\File1.txt


rem remove cr/lf from last line

setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion

set "firstLineReady="
    for /F "eol=$ delims=" %%a in (File1.txt) DO (
        if defined firstLineReady (echo()
        set "firstLineReady=1"
        <nul set /p "=%%a"
) > %rundir%\Files.txt"

del %rundir%\File1.txt /q

rem CHCP %CodePage% 

set TIMESTAMP=%TIME:~0,2%:%TIME:~3,2%:%TIME:~6,2%
echo %rundir%
echo Playback commenced - %timestamp%
for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort %rundir%\Files.txt`) do echo %%~ni

rem lets play music

start %rundir%\MQncontrol --file "%rundir%\Files.txt"
timeout /T 5
c:\tasker -set -x "mqncontrol.exe" -p normal -a 0100
c:\tasker -set -x "mqnplay.exe" -p realtime -a 1000
c:\tasker -all -x "mqnplay.exe|mqncontrol.exe" -p normal -a 0011
call "%rundir%\448-clockrate.bat"
@echo on
The 448-clockrate.bat looks like this:

Code: Select all

regedit /s c:\clockrate448.reg
The content of clockrate448.reg in C:\ looks like this:

Code: Select all

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile\Tasks\Pro Audio]
"Clock Rate"=dword:000001c0

Now you know all my secrets :-)




Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 10:41 am
by darkpink
Thanks man, very helpful. Got avx working now on my desktopPC W8.1, just hade to check compabilitymode w8. Wouldn't work wtih admin box checked


Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 11:01 am
by Aleg
darkpink wrote:Thanks man, very helpful. Got avx working now on my desktopPC W8.1, just hade to check compabilitymode w8. Wouldn't work wtih admin box checked
Hi DarkPink

It should run on 8.1 as well as I'm using that on my Office PC (2012R2 on my AudioPC).
I do remember I changed a setting in the security policy to avoid security elevation which intervened with running mqnplay.

If you do:
- Run
- Enter: secpol.msc
- go to Local Policies / Security Options
- find the entry called "User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode"
- set it to disabled (default value = Enabled)

The problem I noticed is that starting mqnplay.exe of an avx version somehow triggered User Account Control. Being run as a batch command there was no way to get user input for this and mqnplay crashes. In the Event Log this showed as "Application Error Event ID 1000" for mqnplay.exe with "Exception code: 0xc0000005". This Exception code indicates an autorisation error which was resolved by the change above to the security policy.

Could be worthwhile to check you Event Log and try the change to the security policy, because Win8.1 is better than Win8 and maybe you not using the full capabilities now.

The proof that AVX does run on Windows 8.1




Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 11:24 am
by Clive
Aleg wrote:
darkpink wrote: I do remember I changed a setting in the security policy to avoid security elevation which intervened with running mqnplay.

If you do:
- Run
- Enter: secpol.msc
- go to Local Policies / Security Options
- find the entry called "User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode"
- set it to disabled (default value = Enabled)

The problem I noticed is that starting mqnplay.exe of an avx version somehow triggered User Account Control. Being run as a batch command there was no way to get user input for this and mqnplay crashes. In the Event Log this showed as "Application Error Event ID 1000" for mqnplay.exe with "Exception code: 0xc0000005". This Exception code indicates an autorisation error which was resolved by the change above to the security policy.

Could be worthwhile to check you Event Log and try the change to the security policy, because Win8.1 is better than Win8 and maybe you not using the full capabilities now.


But....I think you need W8 Enterprise to be able to do this. I tried JC's workaround of setting EnableLUA to 0 which seemed ok at first but then MQn failed to run until I set it to 1.


Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 11:26 am
by Aleg
Clive wrote:
Aleg wrote:
darkpink wrote: I do remember I changed a setting in the security policy to avoid security elevation which intervened with running mqnplay.

If you do:
- Run
- Enter: secpol.msc
- go to Local Policies / Security Options
- find the entry called "User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode"
- set it to disabled (default value = Enabled)

The problem I noticed is that starting mqnplay.exe of an avx version somehow triggered User Account Control. Being run as a batch command there was no way to get user input for this and mqnplay crashes. In the Event Log this showed as "Application Error Event ID 1000" for mqnplay.exe with "Exception code: 0xc0000005". This Exception code indicates an autorisation error which was resolved by the change above to the security policy.

Could be worthwhile to check you Event Log and try the change to the security policy, because Win8.1 is better than Win8 and maybe you not using the full capabilities now.


But....I think you need W8 Enterprise to be able to do this. I tried JC's workaround of setting EnableLUA to 0 which seemed ok at first but then MQn failed to run until I set it to 1.

I use Windows 8.1 Pro and not Enterprise.

I have posted a picture above to prove it can be done.